Examining how early humans responded to climate change

Kevin Uno is a paleoclimatologist and Lamont Assistant Research Professor at Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory who studies the role climate change plays in human population dynamics and migration.

Research sheds light on the moon's dark craters

The next wave of robots to fly to Mars in 2020 could offer scientists an unprecedented understanding of Earth's closest neighboring planet. But there are still mysteries to be solved much closer to home, on Earth's own moon.

Abrupt shifts in Arctic climate projected

Researchers from McGill University project that as the permafrost continues to degrade, the climate in various regions of the Arctic could potentially change abruptly, in the relatively near future. Their research, which ...

Applying the Goldilocks principle to DNA structure

The Goldilocks of fairy-tale fame knew something about porridge. It needed to be just right—neither too hot nor too cold. Same with furniture—neither too hard nor too soft. In a different context, scientists at UC San ...

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