Related topics: patients

African trade routes sketched out by mediaeval beads

The chemical composition of glass beads and their morphological characteristics can reveal where they come from. Archaeologists from the University of Geneva analyzed glass beads found at rural sites in Mali and Senegal from ...

New method for better laser-material interaction

Using ultrashort laser pulses lasting a few picoseconds (trillionths of a second), Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) researchers have discovered an efficient mechanism for laser ablation (material removal) that ...

Taking the guesswork out of forensic analysis of fingermarks

Researchers in the Louisiana State University Department of Chemistry including postdoctoral researcher Fabrizio Donnarumma, former undergraduate researcher and current LSU alumus Eden E. Camp, graduate student Fan Cao and ...

Via laser into the past of the oceans

Next to global warming, ocean acidification is currently considered as the second major carbon dioxide problem. With the increase of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere larger quantities of the gas are getting into the ...

Supersonic laser-propelled rockets

Scientists and science fiction writers alike have dreamt of aircrafts that are propelled by beams of light rather than conventional fuels. Now, a new method for improving the thrust generated by such laser-propulsion systems ...

LAMIS -- a green chemistry alternative for laser spectroscopy

At some point this year, after NASA's rover Curiosity has landed on Mars, a laser will fire a beam of infrared light at a rock or soil sample. This will "ablate" or vaporize a microgram-sized piece of the target, generating ...

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