Related topics: patients

First successful ablation of a cardiac arrhythmia in a horse

The Equine Cardioteam, led by Prof Gunther van Loon, has treated a Norwegian showjumper stallion with a cardiac arrhythmia by ablation. The horse had been successfully treated by electroshock therapy several times but showed ...

Geologists assist in solving the mystery of a gold treasure

The Carambolo Treasure is an assemblage of gold items of the first millennium BCE, whose origin has for about 50 years been the epicentre of a heated debate. New chemical and isotopic analyses, carried out by the UPV/EHU's ...

Simple preparation, fast lasers overcome analysis roadblock

Imagine a big glass jar full of candy, a colorful mixture of jelly beans. You want to know how rare your favorite green ones are. Specifically, you want to know the number of green ones relative to the number of grams of ...

Taking the guesswork out of forensic analysis of fingermarks

Researchers in the Louisiana State University Department of Chemistry including postdoctoral researcher Fabrizio Donnarumma, former undergraduate researcher and current LSU alumus Eden E. Camp, graduate student Fan Cao and ...

Via laser into the past of the oceans

Next to global warming, ocean acidification is currently considered as the second major carbon dioxide problem. With the increase of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere larger quantities of the gas are getting into the ...

Supersonic laser-propelled rockets

Scientists and science fiction writers alike have dreamt of aircrafts that are propelled by beams of light rather than conventional fuels. Now, a new method for improving the thrust generated by such laser-propulsion systems ...

Haunting tales in ship-wrecked silver

In her work of analysing the silver coins recovered from six ships, wrecked off the WA coast over almost two centuries, PhD candidate Liesel Gentelli finds herself thinking of some of the wreck survivors.

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