Urban density strongly correlates with house sparrow health

House sparrows (Passer domesticus) have adapted to urban environments, which are changing and growing faster than ever before. A range of both biotic and abiotic factors—including habitat fragmentation, changing food availability, ...

Environmental cues control cassava flowering

New knowledge about the flowering mechanism of a popular cassava cultivar, gleaned by a RIKEN-led study, could help efforts to produce improved breeds of the crop.

Climate change unlikely to drive sugar maples north

Climate is an important factor in determining a plant species' growing zone. Some studies suggest that by the turn of the next century, climate change will have caused some species to spread several dozen kilometres north ...

How did the extinction of saber-toothed cats impact other mammals?

When saber-toothed cats and mammoths roamed North America, they dominated their environments. After they went extinct during the end of the last ice age, their absence fundamentally altered interactions between smaller surviving ...

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