Forgotten oil and gas wells linger, leaking toxic chemicals

Rusted pipes litter the sandy fields of Ashley Williams Watt's cattle ranch in windswept West Texas. The corroded skeletons are all that remain of hundreds of abandoned oil wells that were drilled long before her family owned ...

Traditional ranching practices enhance African savanna

( —That human land use destroys natural ecosystems is an oft-cited assumption in conservation, but ecologists have discovered that instead, traditional ranching techniques in the African savanna enhance the local ...

Abandoned farmlands enrich bird communities

Agriculture and conversion of pristine lands into urban or industrial areas have exerted immense pressure on natural biota due to habitat destruction and fragmentation in industrialized countries around the world. But since ...

Cleaning up abandoned mines means we all pay the price

The fate of abandoned mines are a familiar problem for those living in communal spaces, with common rooms and shared kitchens: "Who is going to clean up this mess?" and "Who is going to pay for the damages?"

Disabled Pakistani women abandoned, ignored after quake

Women who suffered spinal injuries in the 2005 Pakistan earthquake continued to endure hardships years later, including abandonment by spouses and families, according to new research from the University of Alberta.

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