Study shows common water pollutants cause heart damage in fish

Recent findings highlight the persistence of dihalogenated nitrophenols (2,6-DHNPs) in drinking water, resisting standard treatments like sedimentation, filtration, and boiling. The research demonstrates the severe cardiotoxic ...

Wild desert plants face viral surprise

Just as many people battle seasonal colds and flu, native plants face their own viral threats. People have long known that plants can succumb to viruses just like humans. Now, a new study led by Michigan State University ...

Cold stratification impacts germination rates in Vitis species

It is imperative for the success of the grape industry to develop new grape varieties capable of enduring shifting climates and heightened pressures from diseases and insects. The majority of grape cultivars rely on a specific ...

Forest regeneration projects failing to offset carbon emissions

Forest regeneration projects that have received tens of millions of carbon credits and dominate Australia's carbon offset scheme have had negligible impact on woody vegetation cover and carbon sequestration, new research ...

Researchers identify microbes that help plants thwart parasite

Bacteria that could help one of Africa's staple crops resist a major pest have been identified by researchers at the University of California, Davis. Their findings, published in Cell Reports, could improve yields of sorghum, ...

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