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New photos show Jupiter's tiny moon Amalthea

It's tiny, but it's there. By now, we're all used to seeing amazing photos of Jupiter courtesy of NASA's Juno mission on a routine basis. Many of these are processed by volunteer "citizen scientists," and they show the swirling ...

Video: SOHO's view of the 11 May 2024 solar storm

Over the weekend of 10–12 May 2024, Earth was struck by the largest solar storm in more than a decade. While many of us enjoyed colorful auroras lighting up Earth's protective atmosphere, spacecraft had to endure being ...

Clouds blanket the night side of the hot exoplanet WASP-43b

Using the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), a team of astronomers, including scientists from MPIA, constructed a global temperature map of the hot, gas giant exoplanet WASP-43b. The nearby parent star perpetually illuminates ...

New study reveals mystery of decaying exoplanet orbits

A new study led by researchers at Durham University has uncovered a novel mechanism that could solve a long-standing mystery about decaying planetary orbits around stars like our sun.

NASA's Juno gives aerial views of mountain and lava lake on Io

Scientists on NASA's Juno mission to Jupiter have transformed data collected during two recent flybys of Io into animations that highlight two of the Jovian moon's most dramatic features: a mountain and an almost glass-smooth ...

New young and warm Jupiter-like exoplanet detected

An international team of astronomers reports the detection of a new young and warm exoplanet orbiting a distant star. The newfound alien world, designated TOI-4862 b (or NGTS-30 b), is similar in size and mass to Jupiter. ...

What's the earliest the moon could have formed?

Astronomers are pretty sure they know where the moon came from. In the early solar system, a Mars-sized object dubbed Theia smashed into Earth. This cataclysmic collision knocked a huge mass of material into orbit, which ...

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