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Hubble captures dense globular cluster NGC 1841

This densely populated group of stars is the globular cluster NGC 1841, which is part of the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC), a satellite galaxy of our Milky Way galaxy that lies about 162,000 light-years away. Satellite galaxies ...

Finding Argoland: How a lost continent resurfaced

Geologists have long known that around 155 million years ago, a 5,000 km long piece of continent broke off western Australia and drifted away. They can see that by the 'void' it left behind: a basin hidden deep below the ...

Drug discovery and development—in space

Carrying out scientific experiments in space allows scientists to study and make drugs without gravity, which can lead to surprising results that improve research back on Earth. According to a cover story in Chemical & Engineering ...

New insights from an ancient asteroid

In June 2018, Japan's Hayabusa2 spacecraft retrieved samples from asteroid Ryugu and successfully returned them to Earth. Researchers at Tohoku University have analyzed the samples and identified what they believe may be ...

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