Finland allocates new 4G mobile frequencies

The Finnish government said Friday it has allocated extra frequencies to telecom firms TeliaSonera, Elisa and DNA to run the country's new, faster fourth-generation (4G) mobile network.

New technology to enable development of 4G solar cells

Professor Ravi Silva of the University of Surrey's Advanced Technology Institute has identified the range of combinations of organic and inorganic materials that will underpin new 4th generation solar cell technology – ...

How 5G could democratise the telecoms industry

A new, digital revolution might be about to hit us. Autonomous cars are driving our way, cities and companies are rapidly ramping up the use of sensors—also called the Internet of Things (IoT) – and virtual and augmented ...

Turkey delays 4G tender after Erdogan confusion

Turkey has delayed its planned tender for 4G mobile technology licences, reports said Saturday, after President Recep Tayyip Erdogan sowed confusion by saying the country should skip straight to 5G technology.

MetroPCS to launch 4G phone before Verizon

(AP) -- MetroPCS Communications Inc. plans to be the first wireless carrier to introduce a phone using a new network technology that provides faster data access. It's beating Verizon Wireless, the country's largest carrier.

Germany holds Europe's first '4G' auction

In 2000, at the height of the tech bubble, telecom operators fell over themselves to snap up 3G or third generation mobile licenses in an auction in Germany.

Taiwan's HTC unveils 4G tablet

Taiwan's leading smartphone maker HTC unveiled its first tablet device with 4G telecommunications technology on Thursday.

4G wireless: It's fast, but outstripped by hype

(AP) -- Cell phone companies are about to barrage consumers with advertising for the next advance in wireless network technology: "4G" access. The companies are promising faster speeds and the thrill of being the first on ...

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