Muscle power: Bats power take-off using recycled energy

Bats are uniquely able to stretch and store energy in their bicep and tricep tendons during take-off and climbing flight, giving them an extra power boost. A new study on fruitbats, to be presented at the meeting of the Society ...

Quality control in the manufacturing cycle

Even the minutest deviations are detected: Researchers at the Fraunhofer Institute for Factory Operation and Automation IFF have created the "Wheelinspector", an in-line compatible system for 100 percent inspection of vehicle ...

3-D laser scanning of dhows in Doha

A unique collection of traditional seagoing boats in Doha, Qatar has been recorded for posterity using a 3D scanning process.

Point and shoot camera produces 3-D models

(—The Kickstarter campaign launched by Lynx Laboratories, from Austin, Texas, is off to a swift-kick start. Obviously, visitors to their page like what they promise. With their goal of $50,000, they have at the ...

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