JRC wins competition on indoor localization

A team of JRC researchers outperformed 27 teams from academia and industry across the globe and achieved best overall result at a competition on indoor localisation in Seattle, USA. Providing accurate position information ...

3-D laser scanning of dhows in Doha

A unique collection of traditional seagoing boats in Doha, Qatar has been recorded for posterity using a 3D scanning process.

A more stealthy robot may be hearing you soon

(PhysOrg.com) -- Stealth is a trait that few of us posses naturally. Most of us are really kind of obvious as we walk down the street or sashay through the halls of the office. That is why people who are trying to be sneaky ...

Portable laser backpack revolutionizes 3-D mapping

A portable, laser backpack for 3D mapping has been developed at the University of California, Berkeley, where it is being hailed as a breakthrough technology capable of producing fast, automatic and realistic 3D mapping of ...

Creating 3D models with a simple webcam (w/ Video)

(PhysOrg.com) -- Constructing virtual 3D models usually requires heavy and expensive equipment, or takes lengthy amounts of time. A group of researchers at the University of Cambridge, Qi Pan, Dr Gerhard Reitmayr and Dr Tom ...

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