Developing natural-looking, 3D-printed skin

Researchers at the University of Liverpool are developing synthetic skin that can be produced on a 3D printer and matched to a person based on their age, gender and ethnic group.

A radiating beauty on Mars

( —Exceptional structures deposited and shaped by water and winds adorn these interlocking craters and sculpt radiating patterns in the sands of Mars.

Using digital SLRs to measure the height of Northern Lights

Scientific research doesn't often start from outreach projects. Yet, Ryuho Kataoka from the National Institute of Polar Research in Tokyo, Japan, came up with an idea for a new method to measure the height of aurora borealis ...

More freedom of movement while viewing glasses-free 3-D

Thanks to a new image processing technique, we can now move about in a room more freely when watching 3D-TV without wearing stereo viewing glasses. Fraunhofer will be exhibiting the technology at the IFA international consumer ...

Researcher locates 'virtual eyes' to enhance 3-D experience

3D movies are a popular trend this year, with countless films opting to include features that make viewers feel as though they are a part of the action. But what if 3D technologies in movies were not just a feature, but an ...

Next step in facial imaging (w/ Video)

A team of University clinicians and computer scientists can, for the first time, carry out facial movement research and transform the way patients needing facial surgery are diagnosed and monitored thanks to a new state-of-the-art ...

Seeing depth through a single lens

Researchers at the Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS) have developed a way for photographers and microscopists to create a 3D image through a single lens, without moving the camera.

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