British firms warned of Olympics Internet gaps

British businesses are being warned of possible Internet breakdowns, data caps and "unavoidable" mobile phone problems during the London 2012 Olympics, in official advice from the Games organisers.

Looking beyond December 21

(—If the apocalyptic interpreters of the ancient Mayan prophecy are to be believed, Christmas is cancelled, England will never win the World Cup and we'll never have to pay tax again. Though there's no evidence ...

Usain Bolt rules Twitter during Games

Jamaican sprint king Usain Bolt dominated Twitter during the Olympics, the social networking site has revealed, with his gold in the 200 metres inspiring a staggering 80,000 tweets per minute.

Research finds out what London 2012 says about Britain

When the London 2012 Opening Ceremony is broadcast around the globe, an estimated one billion people will be watching, and inevitably drawing their own conclusions on our nation and what it means to be British.

British Library puts 19th C newspapers online

(AP) -- The newspaper coverage was troubling: London's huge international showcase was beset by planning problems, local opposition and labor woes - and the transport was a mess.

New research shows just how well the 2012 Games were run

Unique research conducted by a University of Huddersfield professor confirms just how successfully the 2012 Olympics and Paralympics were designed, organised and delivered. His findings will reveal to planners of the 2016 ...

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