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Could you find what a lunar crater is made of by shooting it?

Americans are famously fond of their guns. So it should come as no surprise that a team of NASA scientists has devised a way to "shoot" a modified type of sensor into the soil of an otherworldly body and determine what it ...

NASA's Artemis II crew uses Iceland terrain for lunar training

Black and gray sediment stretches as far as the eye can see. Boulders sit on top of ground devoid of vegetation. Humans appear almost miniature in scale against a swath of shadowy mountains. At first glance, it seems a perfect ...

Earth may have had a ring system 466 million years ago

In a discovery that challenges our understanding of Earth's ancient history, researchers have found evidence suggesting that Earth may have had a ring system that formed around 466 million years ago, at the beginning of a ...

Astronomers discover new planet in Great Bear constellation

Astronomers from the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun have discovered a new planet in the constellation of the Great Bear. It has a mass as much as 11 times that of Jupiter, orbits its star in 14 years and has a temperature ...

Earth to have new mini-moon for two months

A pair of asteroid dynamics researchers from Universidad Complutense de Madrid Ciudad Universitaria have found that a small asteroid will make one orbit around the Earth starting this month before departing back into other ...

More news

Planetary Sciences
JunoCam spots new volcano on active Io
Planetary Sciences
NASA scientists recreate Mars's spider-shaped geologic formations in lab for the first time
Daniel K. Inouye Solar Telescope produces its first magnetic field maps of the sun's corona
Space Exploration
NASA's EZIE mission set for 2025 launch
Planetary Sciences
New dense sub-Saturn exoplanet discovered
Planetary Sciences
NASA spacecraft to study Jupiter moon's underground ocean cleared for October launch
Planetary Sciences
Cloud atlas of Mars showcases array of atmospheric phenomena
Planetary Sciences
Orchestrating a swarm of robots for exploration of canyon on Mars
Planetary Sciences
Formation of super-Earths proven limited near metal-poor stars
Planetary Sciences
Did dwarf planet Ceres originate in the asteroid belt?
Planetary Sciences
Pluto mission: South African astronomers join forces with NASA to learn more about the dwarf planet
Could comets have delivered the building blocks of life to ocean worlds like Europa, Enceladus and Titan?
Planetary Sciences
Parker Solar Probe lines up for final Venus flyby
Space Exploration
Artemis III landing sites identified using mapping and algorithm techniques
Space Exploration
Video: Cluster reentry explained—world's first targeted reentry
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The moon had surprisingly recent volcanic activity, samples from Chinese space mission confirm
Planetary Sciences
Nearby super-Earth has a sulfur-rich atmosphere, Webb observations suggest
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Solution to a cosmic mystery—the eccentric orbits of trans-Neptunian objects
AI shines a new light on exoplanets
Space Exploration
Video: Mars rover trials

Other news

Why petting your cat leads to static electricity
Astronomers discover biggest ever seen black hole jets, which blast hot plasma well beyond their own host galaxy
New research reveals that America's oldest tombstone came from Belgium and belonged to an English knight
New cosmic distance catalog could unlock the mysteries of universe formation
Webb Telescope provides another look into galactic collisions
New kit makes classroom CRISPR experiments affordable and accessible
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Rugged Falklands landscape was once a lush rainforest, researchers say
Earth Sciences
Geoscientists confirm 'dripping' of Earth's crust beneath Türkiye's Central Anatolian Plateau
Astronomers detect hundreds of supernova remnants using novel method
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Tracking plasma progression in a picosecond: Physicists develop ultra-fast laser method to study high-density plasmas
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Can toddlers help explain the origins of our bias for wealth?
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LHC experiments observe quantum entanglement at the highest energy yet
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Moving as one: Discovering how synchronous movements strengthen social bonds
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Another new wasp species discovered by researchers
2D silk protein layers on graphene pave the way for advanced microelectronics and computing
South African rock art possibly inspired by long-extinct species, suggests research
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Ocean waves grow way beyond known limits, new research finds
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Researchers simplify design of optical atomic clocks without compromising performance
Nature-inspired patterns boost polymer toughness
Propagated corals reveal increased resistance to bleaching across the Caribbean during the fatal heat wave of 2023

Did dwarf planet Ceres originate in the asteroid belt?

The dwarf planet Ceres has a diameter of almost 1,000 kilometers and is located in the asteroid belt. In the television series "The Expanse," Ceres gained new fame as the main base of the so-called 'belters': in this series, ...

Parker Solar Probe lines up for final Venus flyby

NASA's Parker Solar Probe executed a short maneuver on Aug. 26 that kept the spacecraft on course for the mission's seventh and final planned Venus flyby on Nov. 6.

Video: Mars rover trials

Rover trials in a quarry in the U.K. showing a four-wheeled rover, known as Codi, using its robotic arm and a powerful computer vision system to pick up sample tubes.

ChemCam hits 1 million laser shots on Mars since 2012

The ChemCam instrument, developed at Los Alamos National Laboratory, recently zapped its laser for the 1 millionth time on Mars. Sitting on top of NASA's Curiosity rover, ChemCam has been helping make groundbreaking discoveries ...

AI shines a new light on exoplanets

Researchers from LMU, the ORIGINS Excellence Cluster, the Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics (MPE), and the ORIGINS Data Science Lab (ODSL) have made an important breakthrough in the analysis of exoplanet atmospheres.