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Video: Ariane 6 liftoff from the launchpad

While no person could get this close during Ariane 6's inaugural flight on 9 July 2024, several small cameras bravely witnessed its take-off from the launchpad.

Astronomers detect dozens of new pulsating white dwarfs

Using NASA's Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS), astronomers have detected 32 new bright pulsating DA white dwarfs of the ZZ Ceti subclass. The finding was reported in a research paper published July 9 on the pre-print ...

Telescope tag-team discovers 10 strange and exotic pulsars

Towards the center of our Milky Way galaxy, in the constellation Sagittarius, astronomers have discovered 10 monstrous neutron stars. These particular stars, called pulsars, reside together in globular cluster Terzan 5, a ...

New ultra-hot Neptune-sized exoplanet discovered

Using NASA's Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS), an international team of astronomers has detected a new exoplanet. The newfound alien world, designated TOI-3261b, is nearly the size of Neptune and its equilibrium ...

NASA transmits hip-hop song to deep space for first time

The stars above and on Earth aligned as an inspirational message and lyrics from the song "The Rain (Supa Dupa Fly)" by hip-hop artist Missy Elliott were beamed to Venus via NASA's DSN (Deep Space Network). The agency's Jet ...

New analysis of Cassini data yields insights into Titan's seas

A new study of radar experiment data from the Cassini-Huygens mission to Saturn has yielded fresh insights related to the makeup and activity of the liquid hydrocarbon seas near the north pole of Titan, the largest of Saturn's ...

Study finds increased fire risk on future space missions

A research team from the Center of Applied Space Technology and Microgravity (ZARM) at the University of Bremen has investigated the risk of fire on spacecraft in a recent study. The results show that fires on planned exploration ...

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Bennu asteroid samples unveiled
Planetary Sciences
Here's how AI Is changing NASA's Mars rover science
Planetary Sciences
Not just space rocks: Six things we've learned about Earth from meteorites and comets
Scientists have confirmed a cave on the moon that could be used to shelter future explorers
Space Exploration
Food aroma study may help explain why meals taste bad in space
New low-mass galaxy discovered
Webb unveils stunning ejecta and CO structures in Cassiopeia A's young supernova
Surprising ring sheds light on galaxy formation
Space Exploration
Existence of lunar lava tube cave demonstrated
Webb investigates eternal sunrises, sunsets on distant world
Cosmic wrestling match: New model reveals what the color of a galaxy tells about its distance
Scorching storms on distant worlds revealed in new detail
How astronomers are using pulsars to observe evidence of dark matter
Observatory gears up to detect thousands of elusive brown dwarfs, unlocking Milky Way mysteries
Space Exploration
A hopping robot could explore Europa using locally harvested water
Planetary Sciences
A walking balloon could one day explore Titan—or Earth's sea floor
Space Exploration
The CubeCat-4, a new nanosatellite, is already orbiting the Earth
Solar flares and solar magnetic reconnection get new spotlight in two blazing studies
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Juice's lunar-Earth flyby: All you need to know
Supermassive black holes have masses of more than a million suns—but their growth has slowed as the universe has aged

Other news

General Physics
CERN physicist explains how team uses subatomic splashes to restart experiments after annual upgrades
Earth Sciences
New research sheds light on river dynamics and cutoff regimes
Microbial structures in Antarctic lake could reveal more about how life evolved
Earth Sciences
Sea ice's cooling power is waning faster than its area of extent, new study finds
Plants & Animals
Scientists identify brain circuits tied to the behavior of schooling fish
Plants & Animals
The most endangered fish are the least studied, scientists find
Earth Sciences
Diatom surprise could rewrite the global carbon cycle
Crown-of-thorns starfish larvae feast on toxic cyanobacteria, study finds
Cell & Microbiology
Microbes found to destroy certain 'forever chemicals' by cleaving stubborn fluorine-to-carbon bonds
Social Sciences
Gender inequality across US states revealed by new tool
Paleontology & Fossils
Evidence for butchery of giant armadillo-like mammals in Argentina 21,000 years ago
Social Sciences
Study finds most Afghans support women's rights, especially when men think of their daughters
Molecular & Computational biology
Study shows ancient viruses fuel modern-day cancers
Smart soil can water and feed itself
Lice cause significant harm to cage-free poultry, study finds
Research team develops method to design safer opioids
Analytical Chemistry
Organic compounds show promise as cheaper alternatives to metal photocatalysts
Optics & Photonics
High-speed camera for molecules: Entangled photons enable Raman spectroscopy
Bio & Medicine
Enzyme-powered 'snot bots' help deliver drugs in sticky situations
Cell & Microbiology
Influenza viruses can use a second entry pathway to infect cells, study shows

SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket experiences rare failure

SpaceX's highly reliable Falcon 9 rocket has experienced a rare failure that means the latest batch of the company's Starlink satellites won't make it into orbit, the company said Friday, as regulators opened an investigation.

How astronomers work out the size of the solar system

The size of the solar system is defined by the volume of space over which the sun's influence exceeds those of other nearby stars in the Milky Way galaxy. This influence derives from two fundamental forces of nature: gravity ...

New research reveals how galaxies avoid early death

Galaxies avoid an early death because they have a "heart and lungs" which effectively regulate their "breathing" and prevent them from growing out of control, a new study suggests.

JWST sheds light on the structure of interstellar water ice

Using the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), a team of researchers including Paola Caselli, Barbara Michela Giuliano and Basile Husquinet from MPE, have probed deep into dense cloud cores, revealing details of interstellar ...