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A dark energy driven by star formation

Rolf Landauer showed that "information is physical" with every bit equivalent to a small amount of energy proportional to temperature. The Landauer equivalent energy of information carried, or represented by matter, effectively ...

Small but mighty: TESSERACT joins the hunt for dark matter

For decades, people have been trying to directly detect dark matter: the missing mass in our universe. Now, there's a new, super-sensitive detector on the case—and even though it's still in the research and development ...

Astronomers detect new polar cataclysmic variable

Using the ROentgen SATellite (ROSAT), astronomers have discovered a new cataclysmic variable system of the polar subtype. The new polar, which received the designation ZTF J0112+5827, has an orbital period of approximately ...

Hubble finds Kuiper belt duo may be trio

The puzzle of predicting how three gravitationally bound bodies move in space has challenged mathematicians for centuries, and has most recently been popularized in the novel and television show "3 Body Problem." There's ...

Nine open clusters discovered by astronomers

Astronomers have performed a multiwavelength study of nine open cluster candidates. As a result, they found that all of them are genuine open clusters and characterized by their fundamental properties. The finding was reported ...

Hubble captures new view of the Veil Nebula

In this NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope image, Hubble once again lifts the veil on a famous—and frequently photographed—supernova remnant: the Veil Nebula. The remnant of a star roughly 20 times as massive as the sun ...

New limits found for dark matter properties

A team led by a member of Tokyo Metropolitan University has made advances in the search for dark matter, observing galaxies using new spectrographic technology and the Magellan Clay Telescope. With a mere four hours of observations, ...

More news

Indian spacecraft Aditya-L1 observes massive solar flare
Mission accomplished for Integral, ESA's gamma-ray telescope
Hydrogen cyanide and acetylene detected in a brown dwarf atmosphere for the first time
Engineers create first flat telescope lens that can capture color while detecting light from faraway stars
Hubble provides bird's-eye view of Andromeda galaxy's ecosystem
Most powerful gamma ray observatory gets green light
Most powerful gamma ray observatory gets green light
Study investigates outburst of cataclysmic variable system GK Persei
Study reveals how rogue planetary-mass objects form in young star clusters
View the rare 'planet parade' this week and learn why it's happening
Image: The Milky Way on the horizon
New dwarf galaxy discovered in the halo of Andromeda galaxy
Solar system's journey through Orion complex 14 million years ago may have altered Earth's climate
Breakthrough enables measurement of local dark matter density using direct acceleration measurements
JWST uncovers rare ultra-hot Neptune LTT 9779 b's exotic atmosphere
Multi-line reverberation mapping uncovers hidden dynamics in active galactic nuclei
One of the most massive black holes in the universe lurks at the center of the Cosmic Horseshoe
Lucy spacecraft takes its first images of asteroid Donaldjohanson
Latest observations help almost fully rule out 2024 YR4 asteroid impact
New theoretical model offers unified explanation for astrophysical outflows

Other news

Analytical Chemistry
Machine learning reveals hidden complexities in palladium oxidation, sheds light on catalyst behavior
Social Sciences
From sermons to silent retreats, study shows many people are bored by spiritual practice
Super sapphire nanostructures resist scratches, glare, fog and dust
Earth Sciences
Study warns of deadly future marine heat waves in East Coast estuaries
Nitrogen's dominant role in global organic aerosol absorption revealed
Analytical Chemistry
Order to disorder: Scientists take close look at icy surfaces with spectroscopy, simulation and machine learning
General Physics
Sneaky clocks: Uncovering Einstein's relativity in an interacting atomic playground
Soft Matter
A pinch of salt can steer colloids for improved water purification and drug delivery
Cell & Microbiology
Novel enzyme breaks down and synthesizes previously unexplored glycans with prebiotic potential
Space Exploration
Private lunar lander touches down on the moon, but its status is unknown
Quantum Physics
Quantum algorithm excels at finding local minima of many-body systems
Social Sciences
Indigenous languages: The pace of extinction is slower than expected—but still alarming
Planetary Sciences
Astrophysicists predict origins of unexpected space objects in solar system and Alpha Centauri
Archaeologists discover ancient irrigation network in Mesopotamia
Condensed Matter
Controlling electrons in molecules at ultrafast timescales with tailor-made terahertz light pulses
Cell & Microbiology
Bacterial 'jumping genes' can target and control chromosome ends
Plants & Animals
Large-scale analysis reveals 20% of butterflies in the US have disappeared since 2000
Plants & Animals
Tropical forests in the Americas are struggling to keep pace with climate change, study reveals
Squid are some of nature's best camouflagers. Researchers have a new explanation for why
Space Exploration
European rocket successfully carries out first commercial mission

NASA celebrates Edwin Hubble's discovery of a new universe

For humans, the most important star in the universe is our sun. The second-most important star is nestled inside the Andromeda galaxy. Don't go looking for it—the flickering star is 2.2 million light-years away, and is ...