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Exoplanets could be hiding their atmospheres

Most of the exoplanets we've discovered orbit red dwarf stars. This isn't because red dwarfs are somehow special, simply that they are common. About 75% of the stars in the Milky Way are red dwarfs, so you would expect red ...

Plants could still grow well under alien skies

Photosynthesis changed Earth in powerful ways. When photosynthetic organisms appeared, it led to the Great Oxygenation Event. That allowed multicellular life to evolve and resulted in the ozone layer. Life could venture onto ...

Scientists scan TRAPPIST-1 for technosignatures

If you are going to look for intelligent life beyond Earth, there are few better candidates than the TRAPPIST-1 star system. It isn't a perfect choice. Red dwarf stars like TRAPPIST-1 are notorious for emitting flares and ...

Volcanoes may help reveal interior heat on Jupiter moon

By staring into the hellish landscape of Jupiter's moon Io—the most volcanically active location in the solar system—Cornell astronomers have been able to study a fundamental process in planetary formation and evolution: ...

Keeping mold out of future space stations

Mold can survive the harshest of environments, so to stop harmful spores from growing on future space stations, a new study suggests a novel way to prevent its spread.

Why are we so fascinated with aliens?

Robert Smith is convinced the aliens have won. "The invasion has happened—it's all over," says the University of Alberta space historian who teaches a course on the history of extraterrestrials.

Astrobiologist explores likelihood of life originating on Earth

Florida Tech astrobiologist Manasvi Lingam has asked life's biggest questions from a young age. Though he can't recall his exact queries, he says his interests were perfectly consistent with those of other children: dinosaurs ...

Exoplanets may contain more water than previously thought

We know that the Earth has an iron core surrounded by a mantle of silicate bedrock and water (oceans) on its surface. Science has used this simple planet model until today for investigating exoplanets—planets that orbit ...

More news

Scientists find oceans of water on Mars. It's just too deep to tap.
Study reports dim odds for finding alien civilizations
New study suggests that our galaxy is crowded or empty—both are equally terrifying
Scientists discuss why we might not spot solar panel technosignatures
Study suggests cloud-to-ground lightning strikes may have generated building blocks for life on Earth
The discovery of a new Earth-like planet could shed further light on what makes a planet habitable
Has NASA found evidence of ancient life of Mars? An expert examines the latest discovery
Perseverance rover discovers rock with potential signs of ancient life
The ultraviolet habitable zone may set a time limit on the formation of life
Effects of stellar magnetism could expand criteria for exoplanet habitability
Signatures of life could survive near surfaces of the moons Enceladus and Europa, NASA experiment suggests
Scientists unveil cosmic fingerprints of sulfur rings
Increasing the understanding of early life on Earth could shape the search for life on other planets
Astronomers find surprising ice world in the habitable zone with JWST data
Detecting intelligent life that's light years away: Greenhouse gases could signal alien activity
Hydrothermal vents on seafloors of 'ocean worlds' could support life, new study says
Watery planets orbiting dead stars may be good candidates for studying life—if they can survive long enough
New research finds lake under Mars ice cap unlikely
New instrument to search for signs of life on other planets
What impact does ozone have on an exoplanet?

Other news

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Even the heaviest particles experience the usual quantum weirdness, new experiment shows
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New method developed to relocate misplaced proteins in cells
New biosensor illuminates physiological signals in living animals
Many people in the Pacific lack access to adequate toilets—and climate change makes things worse
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New tool to help decision makers navigate possible futures of the Colorado River
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Physicist reveals tailwind has negligible effect on cycling speed
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Scientists propose a new method to search for dark matter using LIGO
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Black garden ants modify the structure of their nests to mitigate fungal infection spread
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A possible explanation for the 'missing plastic problem': New detection technique finds microplastics in coral skeletons
AI tools help uncover enzyme mechanisms for lasso peptides
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Genome sequence analysis identifies new driver of antimicrobial resistance
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New data science tool greatly speeds up molecular analysis of our environment
Light momentum turns pure silicon from an indirect to a direct bandgap semiconductor
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Citizen science collaboration yields precise data on exoplanet WASP-77 A b
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Recharging mitochondria—nanoflowers offer a new way to simulate energy production to improve aging ailments

New study delves into ozone's influence on exoplanetary climate

In the quest for life beyond our solar system, a new study delves into the atmospheric dynamics of planet Proxima Centauri b, illuminating ozone's pivotal role in shaping planetary climates. This research signifies a significant ...

What can early Earth teach us about the search for life?

Earth is the only life-supporting planet we know of, so it's tempting to use it as a standard in the search for life elsewhere. But the modern Earth can't serve as a basis for evaluating exoplanets and their potential to ...

Webb telescope probably didn't find life on an exoplanet—yet

Recent reports of NASA's James Webb Space Telescope finding signs of life on a distant planet understandably sparked excitement. A new study challenges this finding, but also outlines how the telescope might verify the presence ...

New findings point to an Earth-like environment on ancient Mars

A research team using the ChemCam instrument onboard NASA's Curiosity rover discovered higher-than-usual amounts of manganese in lakebed rocks within Gale Crater on Mars, which indicates that the sediments were formed in ...

Enceladus spills its guts through strike–slip motion

Over the course of its elliptical orbit, the moon Enceladus is squeezed unevenly by Saturn's gravitational pull and deforms from a spherical shape into a football shape and back again. This cyclic stress causes a phenomenon ...

Will we know if TRAPPIST-1e has life?

The search for extrasolar planets is currently undergoing a seismic shift. With the deployment of the Kepler Space Telescope and the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS), scientists discovered thousands of exoplanets, ...