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Another building block of life can handle Venus' sulfuric acid

Venus is often described as a hellscape. The surface temperature breaches the melting point of lead, and though its atmosphere is dominated by carbon dioxide, it contains enough sulfuric acid to satisfy the comparison with ...

How a nearby supernova left its mark on Earth life

When a massive star explodes as a supernova, it does more than release an extraordinary amount of energy. Supernovae explosions are responsible for creating some of the heavy elements, including iron, which is blasted out ...

How sweet is the Milky Way? Astrochemist is helping find out

Astrochemist Ryan Fortenberry, UM associate professor of chemistry and biochemistry, collaborated with Ralf Kaiser, of the University of Hawaii at Mānoa, to study the creation of a simple sugar acid in space-like conditions. ...

Those aren't Dyson spheres, they're HotDOGs

If there really are advanced alien civilizations out there, you'd think they'd be easy to find. A truly powerful alien race would stride like gods among the cosmos, creating star-sized or galaxy-sized feats of engineering. ...

Could stars hotter than the sun still support life?

Although most potentially habitable worlds orbit red dwarf stars, we know larger and brighter stars can harbor life. One yellow dwarf star, for example, is known to have a planet teaming with life, perhaps even intelligent ...

Exoplanets could be hiding their atmospheres

Most of the exoplanets we've discovered orbit red dwarf stars. This isn't because red dwarfs are somehow special, simply that they are common. About 75% of the stars in the Milky Way are red dwarfs, so you would expect red ...

Plants could still grow well under alien skies

Photosynthesis changed Earth in powerful ways. When photosynthetic organisms appeared, it led to the Great Oxygenation Event. That allowed multicellular life to evolve and resulted in the ozone layer. Life could venture onto ...

Scientists scan TRAPPIST-1 for technosignatures

If you are going to look for intelligent life beyond Earth, there are few better candidates than the TRAPPIST-1 star system. It isn't a perfect choice. Red dwarf stars like TRAPPIST-1 are notorious for emitting flares and ...

Volcanoes may help reveal interior heat on Jupiter moon

By staring into the hellish landscape of Jupiter's moon Io—the most volcanically active location in the solar system—Cornell astronomers have been able to study a fundamental process in planetary formation and evolution: ...

Keeping mold out of future space stations

Mold can survive the harshest of environments, so to stop harmful spores from growing on future space stations, a new study suggests a novel way to prevent its spread.

More news

Could comets have delivered the building blocks of life to ocean worlds like Europa, Enceladus and Titan?
Why are we so fascinated with aliens?
Life on alien planets probably wouldn't experience day and night—here's how that may change evolution
Belief in alien visits to Earth is spiraling out of control: Why that's so dangerous
In the hunt for alien life, is man truly 'the measure of all things?'
Researchers start first low frequency search for alien technology in distant galaxies
Astrobiologist explores likelihood of life originating on Earth
Professor proposes how a black hole in orbit around a planet could be a sign of an advanced civilization
The Wow! Signal deciphered—it was hydrogen all along, study says
Exoplanets may contain more water than previously thought
Rocks collected on Mars hold key to water and perhaps life on the planet: Researchers urge bringing them back to Earth
Scientists find oceans of water on Mars. It's just too deep to tap.
Study reports dim odds for finding alien civilizations
New study suggests that our galaxy is crowded or empty—both are equally terrifying
Scientists discuss why we might not spot solar panel technosignatures
Study suggests cloud-to-ground lightning strikes may have generated building blocks for life on Earth
The discovery of a new Earth-like planet could shed further light on what makes a planet habitable
Has NASA found evidence of ancient life of Mars? An expert examines the latest discovery
Perseverance rover discovers rock with potential signs of ancient life
The ultraviolet habitable zone may set a time limit on the formation of life

Other news

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Study of global primate populations reveals predictors of extinction risk
Large radio bubble detected in galaxy NGC 4217
Space Exploration
Nuclear rockets could travel to Mars in half the time, but designing the reactors that would power them isn't easy
Analytical Chemistry
Using AI to figure out the chemical composition of paints used in classical paintings
Earth Sciences
Limestone and iron reveal puzzling extreme rain in Western Australia 100,000 years ago
The earliest galaxies formed amazingly fast after the Big Bang. Do they break the universe or change its age?
Earth Sciences
Extensive afforestation and reforestation can brake global warming
Theoretical physicist uncovers how twisting layers of a material can generate mysterious electron-path-deflecting effect
Study determines when and how pterosaurs went from tiny tree-climbers to towering terrestrial titans
Cell & Microbiology
Dietary zinc inhibits antimicrobial resistance gene transmission in lab tests
Condensed Matter
Harnessing magnetic relaxation: 'Pac-Man effect' enables precise organization of superparamagnetic beads
Space Exploration
ESA's Hera spacecraft set for asteroid 'crime scene investigation'
Earth Sciences
Antarctic 'greening' at dramatic rate, satellite data show
Direct measurement of a subtle current phase relation shows potential for more stable superconducting qubits
Traces of antimatter in cosmic rays reopen the search for 'WIMPs' as dark matter
Molecular & Computational biology
Phage cocktail shows promise against drug-resistant bacteria
Plants & Animals
Scientists uncover auditory 'sixth sense' in geckos
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Innovative method targets removal of PFAS from wastewater
Social Sciences
Survey experiment reveals celebrities and politicians could be the 'missing link' to mitigate climate change
Niobium-tin magnet could be key to unlocking potential of heavy-ion accelerator

Scientists unveil cosmic fingerprints of sulfur rings

For the first time, a team of scientists from HFML-FELIX at Radboud University has unveiled the cosmic fingerprints of sulfur rings. These results, published in Nature Communications, may shed new light on the way sulfur ...

New research finds lake under Mars ice cap unlikely

Cornell University researchers have provided a simple and comprehensive—if less dramatic—explanation for bright radar reflections initially interpreted as liquid water beneath the ice cap on Mars' south pole.