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New research finds lake under Mars ice cap unlikely

Cornell University researchers have provided a simple and comprehensive—if less dramatic—explanation for bright radar reflections initially interpreted as liquid water beneath the ice cap on Mars' south pole.

What impact does ozone have on an exoplanet?

As we discover more and more exoplanets—and the current total is in excess of 5,200—we continue to try to learn more about them. Astrobiologists busy themselves analyzing their atmospheres searching for anything that ...

Could alien solar panels be technosignatures?

If alien technological civilizations exist, they almost certainly use solar energy. Along with wind, it's the cleanest, most accessible form of energy, at least here on Earth. Driven by technological advances and mass production, ...

Exploring extremes in the search for life on Mars

People might assume the search for life on Mars ended when NASA's first rovers sent back images of the planet's barren, inhospitable surface. However, as scientists broaden their understanding of the extreme conditions in ...

Scientists help unravel life's cosmic beginnings

Knowledge about the early forms of life in the universe that may have led to the development of life on Earth remains largely unknown. However, a group of scientists at the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa are attempting ...

Tracing the origins of organic matter in Martian sediments

Although Mars presents a barren, dusty landscape with no signs of life so far, its geological features such as deltas, lakebeds, and river valleys strongly suggest a past where water once flowed abundantly on its surface. ...

What deadly Venus can tell us about life on other worlds

Even though Venus and Earth are so-called sister planets, they're as different as heaven and hell. Earth is a natural paradise where life has persevered under its azure skies despite multiple mass extinctions. On the other ...

More news

Astronomers are on the hunt for Dyson spheres
We need to consider conservation efforts on Mars, say researchers
Looking for life on Enceladus: What questions should we ask?
New study delves into ozone's influence on exoplanetary climate
What can early Earth teach us about the search for life?
Webb telescope probably didn't find life on an exoplanet—yet
New findings point to an Earth-like environment on ancient Mars
Enceladus spills its guts through strike–slip motion
A NASA rover has reached a promising place to search for fossilized life on Mars
Will we know if TRAPPIST-1e has life?
Look to deadly Venus to find life in the universe, new paper argues
Why is methane seeping on Mars? NASA scientists have new ideas
Crucial building blocks of life on Earth can more easily form in outer space, says new research
Unraveling water mysteries beyond Earth: Ground-penetrating radar will seek bodies of water on Jupiter
Peptides on interstellar ice: Study finds presence of water molecules not a major obstacle for formation
Saturn's ocean moon Enceladus could support life—researchers are working out how to detect extraterrestrial cells there
In search for alien life, purple may be the new green
New book gives insider's view of cosmic search for life
Study shedding new light on Earth's global carbon cycle could help assess liveability of other planets
Measuring the atmospheres of other worlds to see if there are enough nutrients for life

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Scientists spot more Milky Way-like galaxies in early universe, advancing our understanding of how galaxies were formed
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Unlocking the future of sustainable mining through carbon sequestration
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Are plants intelligent? It depends on the definition
Quantum Physics
Pseudomagic quantum states: A path to quantum supremacy
Chinese astronomers discover a high-velocity star ejected from globular cluster Messier 15
Space Exploration
Short commercial space flights may not have big impact on health
New study helps disentangle role of soil microbes in the global carbon cycle
4,000-year-old Greek hilltop site mystifies archaeologists. It could spell trouble for new airport
AI method reveals millions of dead trees hidden among the living before California's historic 2020 wildfires
Analytical Chemistry
Scientists make and test efficient water-splitting catalyst predicted by theory
Cell & Microbiology
How members of the microbiome specifically fight Salmonella infections
Hubble Space Telescope finds surprises around a star that erupted 40 years ago
A chain of copper and carbon atoms may be the thinnest metallic wire
Earth Sciences
New discovery reveals that ocean algae unexpectedly help cool the Earth
Condensed Matter
Thermoelectric effect between two liquid materials observed for the first time
Plants & Animals
A tiny new plant species reaffirms the 'miraculous' survival of Western Ecuador's ravished biodiversity
Research signals major milestone in cutting harmful gases that deplete ozone and worsen global warming