Search results for fingerprint

Earth Sciences May 1, 2019

Scientists see fingerprint of warming climate on droughts going back to 1900

In an unusual new study, scientists say they have detected the fingerprint of human-driven global warming on patterns of drought and moisture across the world as far back as 1900. Rising temperatures are well documented back ...

Astronomy Mar 26, 2019

What happened before the Big Bang?

A team of scientists has proposed a powerful new test for inflation, the theory that the universe dramatically expanded in size in a fleeting fraction of a second right after the Big Bang. Their goal is to give insight into ...

Ecology Mar 11, 2019

Honey bees can help monitor pollution in cities

Honey from urban bees can tell us how clean a city is and help pinpoint the sources of environmental pollutants such as lead, new University of British Columbia research has found.

Astronomy Feb 7, 2019

Liberal sprinkling of salt discovered around a young star

New ALMA observations show there is ordinary table salt in a not-so-ordinary location: 1,500 light-years from Earth in the disk surrounding a massive young star. Though salts have been found in the atmospheres of old, dying ...

Earth Sciences Nov 28, 2018

Earth's polar regions communicate via oceanic 'postcards,' atmospheric 'text messages'

Scientists have documented a two-part climatic connection between the North Atlantic Ocean and Antarctica, a fast atmospheric channel and a much slower oceanic one, that caused rapid changes in climate during the last ice ...

General Physics Aug 6, 2018

Ricocheting radio waves monitor the tiniest movements in a room

Relief may be on the horizon for anyone who has ever jumped around a room like a jack-in-the-box to get motion-sensing lights to turn back on, thanks to a new motion sensor based on metamaterials that is sensitive enough ...

Astronomy Jul 31, 2018

Astronomers assemble 'light-fingerprints' to unveil mysteries of the cosmos

Earthbound detectives rely on fingerprints to solve their cases; now astronomers can do the same, using "light-fingerprints" instead of skin grooves to uncover the mysteries of exoplanets.

Astronomy Jul 30, 2018

Pair of colliding stars spill radioactive molecules into space

When two Sun-like stars collide, the result can be a spectacular explosion and the formation of an entirely new star. One such event was seen from Earth in 1670. It appeared to observers as a bright, red "new star." Though ...

Space Exploration Jul 24, 2018

Radiation maps of Jupiter's moon Europa—key to future missions

New comprehensive mapping of the radiation pummeling Jupiter's icy moon Europa reveals where scientists should look—and how deep they'll have to go—when searching for signs of habitability and biosignatures.

Astronomy Nov 30, 2017

Exoplanet has smothering stratosphere without water

A NASA-led team has found evidence that the oversized exoplanet WASP-18b is wrapped in a smothering stratosphere loaded with carbon monoxide and devoid of water. The findings come from a new analysis of observations made ...

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