See also stories tagged with Magnetic resonance imaging

Search results for MRI

Evolution Jun 13, 2023

First hominin muscle reconstruction shows 3.2 million-year-old 'Lucy' could stand as erect as we do

A Cambridge University researcher has digitally reconstructed the missing soft tissue of an early human ancestor—or hominin—for the first time, revealing a capability to stand as erect as we do today.

General Physics May 3, 2023

Scientists find link between photosynthesis and 'fifth state of matter'

Inside a lab, scientists marvel at a strange state that forms when they cool down atoms to nearly absolute zero. Outside their window, trees gather sunlight and turn them into new leaves. The two seem unrelated—but a new ...

Bio & Medicine Apr 25, 2023

Two-component system could offer a new way to halt internal bleeding

MIT engineers have designed a two-component system that can be injected into the body and help form blood clots at the sites of internal injury. These materials, which mimic the way that the body naturally forms clots, could ...

Condensed Matter Mar 8, 2023

Viable superconducting material created at low temperature and low pressure (Retracted paper)

In a historic achievement, University of Rochester researchers have created a superconducting material at both a temperature and pressure low enough for practical applications.

Condensed Matter Mar 3, 2023

Destroying the superconductivity in a kagome metal

A new RMIT-led international collaboration published in February has uncovered, for the first time, a distinct disorder-driven bosonic superconductor-insulator transition.

Earth Sciences Mar 1, 2023

New study could help pinpoint hidden helium gas fields, and avert a global supply crisis

Research led by the University of Oxford could address the current supply crisis of helium, a vital societal resource. The study proposes a new model to account for the existence of previously unexplained helium-rich reservoirs. ...

Superconductivity Feb 9, 2023

Evidence for a chiral superconductor could bring quantum computing closer to the mainstream

The University of Tennessee's physicists have led a scientific team that found silicon—a mainstay of the soon-to-be trillion-dollar electronics industry—can host a novel form of superconductivity that could bring rapidly ...

Quantum Physics Jan 30, 2023

New analog quantum computers to solve previously unsolvable problems

Physicists have invented a new type of analog quantum computer that can tackle hard physics problems that the most powerful digital supercomputers cannot solve.

Quantum Physics Oct 25, 2022

How do you solve a problem like a proton? Smash it, then build it back with machine learning

Protons are tiny yet they carry a lot of heft. They inhabit the center of every atom in the universe and play a critical role in one of the strongest forces in nature.

Earth Sciences May 5, 2022

In sediments below Antarctic ice, scientists discover a giant groundwater system

Many scientists say that liquid water is a key to understanding the behavior of the frozen form found in glaciers. Melt water is known to lubricate their gravelly bases and hasten their march toward the sea. In recent years, ...

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