Search results for Blu-ray Disc

Materials Science Oct 8, 2020

A new magnetic material and recording process to vastly increase data capacity

Although out of sight to the majority of end users, data centers work behind the scenes to run the internet, businesses, research institutions and more. These data centers depend on high-capacity digital storage, the demand ...

Optics & Photonics Jun 28, 2018

Using light for next-generation data storage

Tiny, nano-sized crystals of salt encoded with data using light from a laser could be the next data storage technology of choice, following research by Australian scientists.

Optics & Photonics Mar 22, 2018

Golden touch: Next-gen optical disk to solve data storage challenge

Scientists from Australia and China have drawn on the durable power of gold to demonstrate a new type of high-capacity optical disk that can hold data securely for more than 600 years.

Condensed Matter Oct 24, 2017

Understanding how electrons turn to glass

Researchers at Tohoku University have gained new insight into the electronic processes that guide the transformation of liquids into a solid crystalline or glassy state.

Materials Science Jun 21, 2017

Researchers find a chemical solution to shrink digital data storage

Chemists at Case Western Reserve University have found a way to possibly store digital data in half the space current systems require.

Quantum Physics Nov 16, 2016

New records set up with 'screws of light'

University of Vienna research team has succeeded in breaking two novel records while experimenting with so-called twisted particles of light. These results, now published in the journal PNAS, are not only of fundamental interest ...

General Physics Oct 26, 2016

Defects in diamond: A unique platform for optical data storage in 3-D

In the world of big data, there are limitations on how to store large volumes of information. Typical home-computer hard disk drives consume a lot of power and are limited to a few terabytes per drive. Optical storage media ...

Materials Science Oct 20, 2016

A clean, green, metal-free approach to making high-performance polycarbonates

From the transparent cockpit canopy of fighter jets to everyday applications such as spectacle lenses and Blu-ray discs, polycarbonate plastics are valued for being light, strong and offering exceptional optical clarity. ...

Nanophysics Aug 3, 2016

IBM scientists imitate the functionality of neurons with a phase-change device

IBM scientists have created randomly spiking neurons using phase-change materials to store and process data. This demonstration marks a significant step forward in the development of energy-efficient, ultra-dense integrated ...

Nanophysics Jul 19, 2016

New nanoscale technologies could revolutionize microscopes, study of disease

Research completed through a collaboration with University of Missouri engineers, biologists, and chemists could transform how scientists study molecules and cells at sub-microscopic (nanoscale) levels. Shubra Gangopadhyay, ...

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