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Analytical Chemistry Jun 3, 2024

Scientists develop 'X-ray vision' technique to see inside crystals

A team of New York University researchers has created a new way to visualize crystals by peering inside their structures, akin to having X-ray vision. Their new technique—which they aptly named "Crystal Clear"—combines ...

Astronomy May 30, 2024

Astronomers find most distant galaxy using James Webb Space Telescope

An international team of astronomers today announced the discovery of the two earliest and most distant galaxies ever seen, dating back to only 300 million years after the Big Bang. These results, using NASA's James Webb ...

Astronomy May 30, 2024

Astronomers explore the properties of a peculiar stellar stream

Using ESA's Gaia satellite and the MMT Observatory, astronomers have investigated a peculiar stream of stars in our galaxy named Theia 456. Results of the study, published May 21 on the pre-print server arXiv, deliver important ...

Quantum Physics May 29, 2024

Research team demonstrates modular, scalable hardware architecture for a quantum computer

Quantum computers hold the promise of being able to quickly solve extremely complex problems that might take the world's most powerful supercomputer decades to crack.

Astronomy May 29, 2024

New model aims to explain the lack of miniature black holes in the early universe

Researchers at the Research Center for the Early Universe (RESCEU) and Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe (Kavli IPMU, WPI) at the University of Tokyo have applied the well-understood and highly ...

Planetary Sciences 11 hours ago

NASA's Mars Odyssey orbiter captures huge volcano, nears 100,000 orbits

NASA's longest-lived Mars robot is about to mark a new milestone on June 30: 100,000 trips around the Red Planet since launching 23 years ago. During that time, the 2001 Mars Odyssey orbiter has been mapping minerals and ...

Earth Sciences 13 hours ago

Alphabet soup: NASA's GOLD mission finds surprising C, X shapes in atmosphere

Who knew Earth's upper atmosphere was like alphabet soup? NASA's Global-scale Observations of the Limb and Disk (GOLD) mission has revealed unexpected C- and X-shaped formations in an electrified layer of gas high above our ...

Astronomy 16 hours ago

Gravitational wave researchers cast new light on Antikythera mechanism mystery

Techniques developed to analyze the ripples in spacetime detected by one of the 21st century's most sensitive pieces of scientific equipment have helped cast new light on the function of the oldest known analog computer.

Molecular & Computational biology 18 hours ago

A new CRISPR-driven technology for gene drive in plants

Weeds are a pesky irritant for most home gardeners, but in large agricultural settings, weeds can pose an especially deadly problem. For example, Amaranthus palmeri, known as Palmer's pigweed, has evolved in many areas to ...

Space Exploration 19 hours ago

Wind tunnel study shows hypersonic jet engine flow can be controlled optically

What if the future of space travel were to look less like Space-X's rocket-based Starship and more like NASA's "Hyper-X," the hypersonic jet plane that, 20 years ago this year, flew faster than any other aircraft before or ...

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