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General Physics Jun 24, 2024

Quantum effects forbid the formation of black holes from high concentrations of intense light, say physicists

For the last seven decades, astrophysicists have theorized the existence of "kugelblitze," black holes caused by extremely high concentrations of light.

Earth Sciences Jun 24, 2024

From mantle to crust: Solving a green metal mystery

Researchers from The University of Western Australia have created an experiment to explain the volcanic processes needed to transport green metals from the Earth's interior to its surface.

Planetary Sciences Jun 24, 2024

Astronomers find three potential super-Earths around nearby star

Astronomers have discovered three potential "super-Earth" exoplanets orbiting a relatively nearby orange dwarf star. This groundbreaking find was made by an international team of researchers led by Dr. Shweta Dalal from the ...

Planetary Sciences 8 hours ago

US to launch satellite to better prepare for space weather

The United States is aiming Tuesday to launch a new satellite expected to significantly improve forecasts of solar flares and coronal mass ejections—huge plasma bubbles that can crash into Earth, disrupting power grids ...

Environment 9 hours ago

Extreme wildfires are on the rise globally, powered by the climate crisis

Wildfires are the new "polar bear," routinely used by the media to epitomize the climate crisis and the threat of major natural hazards. This is despite most fire on Earth being harmless, even ecologically beneficial.

Space Exploration 11 hours ago

Researchers develop MoonIndex, open-source software that allows study of lunar surface

With MoonIndex, researchers from Constructor University and the National Institute of Astrophysics in Italy have developed an open-source software that for the first time gives scientists access to a free tool that creates ...

Ecology 12 hours ago

Pauses in human activity benefit biodiversity

A study published in Global Ecology and Conservation shows that COVID-19 lockdowns had a positive impact on the quality of species' habitats.

Earth Sciences 14 hours ago

Summer in the city: Climate science reveals the impacts of heat

The summer sun beats down. People without air conditioning must find refuge in schools and community centers. Outdoor workers struggle to keep cool. Hot nights interrupt people's sleep, not allowing them to get the rest needed ...

Nanomaterials 15 hours ago

New study unveils formation secrets of tiny rare earth elements

Researchers from Trinity College Dublin's School of Natural Sciences have revealed a novel route to the formation of bastnäsite, a crucial mineral for the extraction of rare earth elements (REEs). Their work offers promise ...

Astronomy Jun 24, 2024

Revived technology used to count individual photons from distant galaxies

Using an instrument on the 4.1-meter Southern Astrophysical Research Telescope, researchers have obtained the first astronomical spectrum using skipper charge-coupled devices (CCDs).

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