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Search results for Sun

Earth Sciences Jun 27, 2024

Antarctic ice shelves hold twice as much meltwater as previously thought

Slush—water-soaked snow—makes up more than half of all meltwater on the Antarctic ice shelves during the height of summer, yet is poorly accounted for in regional climate models.

Astronomy Dec 18, 2015

Black holes could grow as large as 50 billion suns before their food crumbles into stars according to research

Black holes at the heart of galaxies could swell to 50 billion times the mass of the sun before losing the discs of gas they rely on to sustain themselves, according to research at the University of Leicester.

Astronomy Feb 10, 2022

New planet detected around star closest to the sun

A team of astronomers using the European Southern Observatory's Very Large Telescope (ESO's VLT) in Chile have found evidence of another planet orbiting Proxima Centauri, the closest star to our Solar System. This candidate ...

Nanophysics Sep 9, 2015

Hybrid solar cell converts both light and heat from sun's rays into electricity

Scientists have developed a new hybrid, solar-energy system that harnesses the full spectrum of the sun's radiation by pairing a photovoltaic cell with polymer films. The films convert the light that goes unused by the solar ...

Astronomy Aug 10, 2023

Stellar surf's up: Monster waves as tall as three suns are crashing upon a colossal star

An extreme star system is giving new meaning to the phrase "surf's up."

Astronomy Aug 14, 2019

How many Earth-like planets are around sun-like stars?

A new study provides the most accurate estimate of the frequency that planets that are similar to Earth in size and in distance from their host star occur around stars similar to our Sun. Knowing the rate that these potentially ...

General Physics Jul 28, 2020

Quest advances to recreate sun's energy on earth

Fourteen years after receiving the official go-ahead, scientists on Tuesday began assembling a giant machine in southern France designed to demonstrate that nuclear fusion, the process which powers the sun, can be a safe ...

Astronomy Dec 22, 2023

What happens if you put a black hole into the sun?

In a hypothetical scenario, small, primordial black holes could be captured by newly forming stars. An international team, led by researchers at the Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics, has now modeled the evolution of ...

Planetary Sciences Jan 21, 2022

Tug of sun, moon could be driving plate motions on 'imbalanced' Earth

A study led by geophysicist Anne M. Hofmeister in Arts & Sciences at Washington University in St. Louis proposes that imbalanced forces and torques in the Earth-moon-sun system drive circulation of the whole mantle.

Astronomy Jan 22, 2021

Magnetic waves explain mystery of Sun's outer layer

The Sun's extremely hot outer layer, the corona, has a very different chemical composition from the cooler inner layers, but the reason for this has puzzled scientists for decades.

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