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Search results for Sun

Planetary Sciences Jul 10, 2024

Auroras caused by head-on blows to Earth's magnetic field could damage critical infrastructure, scientists say

Auroras have inspired myths and portents for millennia—but only now, with modern technology dependent on electricity, are we appreciating their true power. The same forces which cause auroras also cause currents that can ...

Earth Sciences Apr 5, 2021

A sun reflector for Earth? Scientists explore the potential risks and benefits

Nine of the hottest years in human history have occurred in the last decade. Without a major shift in this climate trajectory, the future of life on Earth is in question. Should humans, whose fossil-fueled society is driving ...

General Physics Nov 9, 2016

Solar physicists unlock easier way to observe peculiar particles that reveal the inner workings of the sun

In 2009, applied physicist Peter Sturrock was visiting the National Solar Observatory in Tucson, Arizona, when the deputy director of the observatory told him he should read a controversial article about radioactive decay. ...

Astronomy Apr 19, 2021

Giant planet at large distance from sun-like star puzzles astronomers

A team of astronomers led by Dutch scientists has directly imaged a giant planet orbiting at a large distance around a sun-like star. Why this planet is so massive and how it got to be there is a mystery. The researchers ...

Astronomy Dec 13, 2019

Researchers estimate the mass of the Milky Way to be 890 billion times that of our sun

An international team of researchers has used sophisticated models to calculate the mass of the Milky Way. They have written a paper describing their efforts and results, and have posted it on the arXiv preprint server.

Astronomy Jul 2, 2018

Researchers see beam of light from first confirmed neutron star merger emerge from behind sun

A research team led by astronomers at the University of Warwick had to wait over 100 days for the sight of the first of confirmed neutron star merger to remerge from behind the glare of the sun.

Astronomy Jun 1, 2024

The universe's biggest explosions made elements we are composed of, but there's another mystery source out there

After its "birth" in the Big Bang, the universe consisted mainly of hydrogen and a few helium atoms. These are the lightest elements in the periodic table. More-or-less all elements heavier than helium were produced in the ...

Astronomy May 28, 2024

The death of Vulcan: Study reveals planet is actually an astronomical illusion caused by stellar activity

A planet thought to orbit the star 40 Eridani A—host to Mr. Spock's fictional home planet, Vulcan, in the "Star Trek" universe—is really a kind of astronomical illusion caused by the pulses and jitters of the star itself, ...

Energy & Green Tech Oct 27, 2013

Giant mirrors bring winter sun to Norwegian village

Residents of a remote village nestled in a steep-sided valley in southern Norway are about to enjoy winter sunlight for the first time ever thanks to giant mirrors.

Astronomy May 5, 2016

Measuring a black hole 660 million times as massive as our sun

It's about 660 million times as massive as our sun, and a cloud of gas circles it at about 1.1 million mph.

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