Search results for moons

Astronomy May 11, 2024

The ancient Egyptian goddess of the sky: How a researcher used modern astronomy to explore her link with the Milky Way

What did our ancestors think when they looked up at the night sky? All cultures ascribed special meaning to the sun and the moon, but what about the pearly band of light and shadow we call the Milky Way?

Astrobiology May 10, 2024

We need to consider conservation efforts on Mars, say researchers

Astrobiology is the field of science that studies the origins, evolution, distribution, and future of life in the universe. In practice, this means sending robotic missions beyond Earth to analyze the atmospheres, surfaces, ...

Astronomy May 9, 2024

NASA images help explain eating habits of massive black hole

In images from NASA's retired Spitzer Space Telescope, streams of dust thousands of light-years long flow toward the supermassive black hole at the heart of the Andromeda galaxy. It turns out these streams can help explain ...

Planetary Sciences May 9, 2024

TESS discovers a rocky planet that glows with molten lava as it's squeezed by its neighbors

UC Riverside astrophysicist Stephen Kane had to double-check his calculations. He wasn't sure the planet he was studying could be as extreme as it seemed.

Astrobiology May 9, 2024

Looking for life on Enceladus: What questions should we ask?

Does life exist beyond Earth? One of the most compelling places to consider this possibility is Enceladus, a moon of Saturn with a liquid water ocean encased in a frozen shell. There, plumes of water spray from ice fractures ...

Space Exploration May 9, 2024

NASA watchdog report: 100+ cracks on heat shield biggest threat to human moon mission

The damage to the Orion capsule from the Artemis I mission is already top of mind for NASA as it works to make the Artemis II mission safe for humans. But a new agency report has revealed the extent of the problem, including ...

Planetary Sciences May 9, 2024

Exoplanet WASP-69b has a cometlike tail, helping scientists to learn more about how planets evolve

Located 163 light-years from Earth, a Jupiter-sized exoplanet named WASP-69b offers astrophysicists a window into the dynamic processes that shape planets across the galaxy. The star it orbits is baking and stripping away ...

Earth Sciences May 8, 2024

Computer models suggest modern plate tectonics are due to blobs left behind by cosmic collision

A small team of geologists and seismologists at the California Institute of Technology has found evidence via computer modeling that suggest giant blobs of material near the Earth's core, believed to have been created by ...

Nanomaterials May 8, 2024

Development of ultra-high-efficiency pure red light-emitting devices with enhanced color representation

DGIST Professor Jiwoong Yang's team in the Energy Science and Engineering Department has successfully manufactured high-performance, skin-attachable perovskite pure red light-emitting devices to create various forms of wearable ...

Mathematics May 8, 2024

Why are algorithms called algorithms? A brief history of the Persian polymath you've likely never heard of

Algorithms have become integral to our lives. From social media apps to Netflix, algorithms learn your preferences and prioritize the content you are shown. Google Maps and artificial intelligence are nothing without algorithms.

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