Search results for moons

Space Exploration May 7, 2024

Video: Using a hopping robot for asteroid exploration

One day the SpaceHopper will be deployed on space missions to explore relatively small celestial bodies such as asteroids and moons. These are thought to contain valuable mineral resources that could be of use to humankind ...

Astrobiology May 7, 2024

What can early Earth teach us about the search for life?

Earth is the only life-supporting planet we know of, so it's tempting to use it as a standard in the search for life elsewhere. But the modern Earth can't serve as a basis for evaluating exoplanets and their potential to ...

Planetary Sciences May 7, 2024

Geologists reveal mysterious and diverse volcanism in lunar Apollo Basin, Chang'e-6 landing site

The far side of the moon is a mysterious place that is never visible from the Earth. The most remarkable feature of the moon is its asymmetry between the lunar near side and far side in composition, crust thickness, and mare ...

Space Exploration May 6, 2024

Shining a light on untapped lunar resources

Near the moon's south pole lies a 13-mile wide, 2.5-mile-deep crater known as Shackleton, named for Antarctic explorer Ernest Shackleton. Shackleton—and craters like it—may contain untapped resources that can be accessed ...

Space Exploration May 6, 2024

China publishes world's first high-definition lunar geologic atlas

China has released a geologic atlas set of the global moon with a scale of 1:2.5 million, which is the first complete high-definition lunar geologic atlas in the world, providing basic map data for future lunar research and ...

Space Exploration May 6, 2024

Boeing faces critical launch ferrying astronauts to the International Space Station

Ferrying astronauts to the International Space Station has almost become routine—but not for Boeing and not on Monday, when after years of delay it's finally set to launch two crew members to the orbiting platform on a ...

Cell & Microbiology May 4, 2024

Unraveling life's origin: Five key breakthroughs from the past five years

There is still so much we don't understand about the origin of life on Earth.

Space Exploration May 4, 2024

Boeing's Starliner joins select club of crewed US spaceships

Throughout the annals of American space exploration, a select few spacecraft have had the distinction of carrying human beings beyond Earth.

Space Exploration May 3, 2024

The Eta Aquarid meteor shower, debris of Halley's comet, peaks this weekend. Here's how to see it

The Eta Aquarid meteor shower, remnants of Halley's comet, peaks this weekend. And with just a waning crescent moon in the sky, it should be visible.

Space Exploration May 3, 2024

China sends a probe to get samples from the less-explored far side of the moon

China on Friday launched a lunar probe to land on the far side of the moon and return with samples that could provide insights into differences between the less-explored region and the better-known near side.

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