Search results for histological studies

Cell & Microbiology Jun 29, 2021

Seeing the earthworm in a new light

Earthworms experience constant chemical interactions with bacteria, fungi, plants and small invertebrates across soil ecosystems. Even within their tissues, earthworms harbor symbiotic microbes and small animal parasites ...

Archaeology May 5, 2021

New, almost non-destructive archaeogenetic sampling method developed

An Austrian-American research team (University of Vienna, Department Evolutionary Anthropology and Harvard Medical School, Department of Genetics), in collaboration of Hungarian experts from Eötvös Loránd University, has ...

Plants & Animals May 3, 2021

Branching worm with dividing internal organs growing in sea sponge

The marine worm Ramisyllis multicaudata, which lives within the internal canals of a sponge, is one of only two such species possessing a branching body, with one head and multiple posterior ends. An international research ...

Optics & Photonics Apr 30, 2021

Holographic histopathology enables fast, precise diagnostics

Histology is the study of biological tissues at a microscopic level. Also called microscopic anatomy, histology is widely used to provide diagnosis of cancer and other diseases. For example, tissue samples obtained during ...

Bio & Medicine Apr 21, 2021

Bio-nanocellulose meshes improve hernia repair surgery

Bacterial nanocellulose is an emergent biocompatible natural polymer with increasing applicability in the healthcare sector. A potential innovative application can be found in the design of surgical meshes for the treatment ...

Plants & Animals Apr 1, 2021

Skin deep: Aquatic skin adaptations of whales and hippos evolved independently

A new study shows that the similarly smooth, nearly hairless skin of whales and hippopotamuses evolved independently. The work suggests that their last common ancestor was likely a land-dwelling mammal, uprooting current ...

Bio & Medicine Mar 17, 2021

Trackable and guided 'nanomissiles' deliver cancer-fighting drug straight to the tumor

Researchers from Skoltech and their colleagues from Hadassah Medical Center have developed hybrid nanostructured particles that can be magnetically guided to the tumor, tracked by their fluorescence and pushed to release ...

Archaeology Mar 11, 2021

Microscope helps with dinosaur puzzle

Fossil sites sometimes resemble a living room table on which half a dozen different jigsaw puzzles have been dumped: It is often difficult to say which bone belongs to which animal. Together with colleagues from Switzerland, ...

Plants & Animals Mar 10, 2021

Dog's body size and shape could indicate a greater bone tumor risk

Osteosarcoma is a painful and aggressive bone tumor in dogs that is known to be more common in certain breeds than others. New research has now confirmed that larger breeds, such as Rottweiler, Great Dane and Rhodesian Ridgeback, ...

Evolution Mar 2, 2021

New technology allows scientists first glimpse of intricate details of Little Foot's life

In June 2019, an international team brought the complete skull of the 3.67-million-year-old Little Foot Australopithecus skeleton from South Africa to the U.K.'s national synchrotron, Diamond Light Source, and achieved unprecedented ...

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