Search results for flexible filamentous

Space Exploration Jun 28, 2018

A new telescope expands Big Bear Solar Observatory's view of the Sun

A solar telescope that captures images of the entire disk of the Sun, monitoring eruptions taking place simultaneously in different magnetic fields in both the photosphere and chromosphere, is now being installed beside the ...

Biochemistry Jun 14, 2018

Enigma of fatty acid metabolism solved—enzyme shape controls activity

The core components of all body fats are fatty acids. Their production is initiated by the enzyme ACC. Researchers at the University of Basel's Biozentrum have now demonstrated how ACC assembles into distinct filaments. As ...

Nanophysics Jun 11, 2018

Designing a better superconductor with geometric frustration

Superconductors contain tiny tornadoes of supercurrent, called vortex filaments, that create resistance when they move. This affects the way superconductors carry a current.

Cell & Microbiology May 2, 2018

New way for scientists to see how cells move

Scientists have developed a new way to see inside individual cells, and study how they move and operate inside the human body.

Cell & Microbiology Apr 26, 2018

Study sheds light on bacterial propeller assembly

Many bacteria are equipped with a flagellum, a helical propeller that allows bacteria to travel. The flagellum is assembled in a highly organized manner involving the stepwise addition of each of its internal parts. However, ...

Plants & Animals Feb 28, 2018

New tardigrade species Macrobiotus shonaicus sp. nov. identified in Japan

A new tardigrade species has been identified in Japan, according to a study published February 28, 2018 in the open-access journal PLOS ONE by Daniel Stec from the Jagiellonian University, Poland, and colleagues.

Polymers Feb 5, 2018

Collective disentanglement of entangled polymers

LMU researchers have disproven the conventional theory used to explain the dynamics of polymer solutions. They show that for biopolymers collective effects facilitate chain mobility, which is reminiscent of the behavior of ...

Cell & Microbiology Jan 31, 2018

Letting molecular robots swarm like birds

The world's smallest "swarm robot" measures 25 nanometers in diameter and 5 micrometers in length, and exhibits swarming behavior resembling motile organisms such as fish, ants and birds.

Cell & Microbiology Nov 30, 2017

To proliferate or not to proliferate? A cellular spring replies

The epithelium, a tissue made up of closely juxtaposed cells, forms the glands and covers the outer surface of the human body as well as its internal cavities, such as the lungs or intestines. There are different types of ...

Biotechnology Nov 10, 2017

Genetic engineering mechanism visualized

Researchers at Kanazawa University and the University of Tokyo report in Nature Communications the visualization of the dynamics of 'molecular scissors'—the main mechanism of the CRISPR-Cas9 genetic-engineering technique.

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