Search results for speech technology

Education Mar 22, 2022

Abrupt transition from kindergarten to school is tough for kids

Since 2018, Norwegian schools and kindergartens have a statutory duty to co-operate on the transition from kindergarten to school and after-school care. Previously, the responsibility lay with kindergarten alone.

Education Feb 28, 2022

Cherokee on a smartphone: Part of a drive to save a language

By itself, being able to read smartphone home screens in Cherokee won't be enough to safeguard the Indigenous language, endangered after a long history of erasure. But it might be a step toward immersing younger tribal citizens ...

Education Feb 1, 2022

Masks and other pandemic measures are needed at school, but can make it harder to hear in classrooms

Masks, social distancing and increased ventilation are all necessary pandemic measures in classrooms, but they can make for a difficult listening and hearing environment for students and teachers.

Education Dec 23, 2021

In Africa, rescuing the languages that Western tech ignores

Computers have become amazingly precise at translating spoken words to text messages and scouring huge troves of information for answers to complex questions. At least, that is, so long as you speak English or another of ...

Social Sciences Dec 14, 2021

New technologies usher in an era of virtuous growth in the discipline of marketing

Madison, Erasmus University Rotterdam, and University of Maryland introduce the special issue on "New Technologies in Marketing" in the Journal of Marketing and provide several frameworks for thinking about how new technologies ...

Other Dec 9, 2021

How does society impact the benefits and challenges of technology?

Technology is a big part of life in India. For example, street vendors and rickshawallahs use cellphones, the internet and Aadhar cards—12-digit identification numbers given to every citizen based on their biometric and ...

General Physics Nov 18, 2021

Estimating the quality of sound spaces from observed speech

In the future, smartphones, which almost everyone has, and smart speakers, 3.7 million installed in Japanese households, might save your life. Apart from daily-use features, these devices can read emergency messages aloud ...

Environment Nov 1, 2021

World leaders in Glasgow for 'last, best hope' climate summit

More than 120 world leaders meet in Glasgow on Monday in a "last, best hope" to tackle the climate crisis and avert a looming global disaster.

Economics & Business Sep 28, 2021

China will no longer build overseas coal power plants, but what energy projects will it invest in instead?

Chinese President Xi Jinping recently announced at the UN General Assembly that China "will not build new coal-fired power projects abroad."

Biotechnology Sep 16, 2021

Augmenting human intelligence with AI to develop novel medicines

Deep learning has radically changed the field of artificial intelligence. Now neural networks are revolutionizing the way that we discover new drugs. We talk to Francesca Grisoni, assistant professor at the department of ...

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