Search results for orthogonally polarized

Materials Science Mar 22, 2016

New technique for advanced printed electronics

Researchers have developed a fabrication technique for single-crystalline thin-film arrays of an organic ferroelectric small molecules working as a memory device by using a solution process under ambient pressure at room ...

Quantum Physics Nov 6, 2015

Researchers take two big steps toward quantum computing

(—"Spooky action at a distance," Einstein's famous, dismissive characterization of quantum entanglement, has long been established as a physical phenomenon, and researchers are keen to develop practical applications ...

General Physics Sep 15, 2015

Most precise test of Lorentz symmetry for the photon finds that the speed of light is indeed constant

(—The laws of physics are the same no matter which direction you're facing or how fast you're moving—it's such an intuitive concept that most people probably don't know that it has a name: Lorentz symmetry. Over ...

Optics & Photonics Sep 14, 2015

Team generates photon pairs with complex quantum states on a chip compatible with electronic systems

Telecommunication networks will soon reach the physical limits of current technology and in order to overcome the current bottleneck, they will have to exploit the quantum properties of light. Roberto Morandotti and his INRS ...

General Physics Jun 24, 2015

Using lasers to see the shape of molecules

A scientist in a crisp, white lab coat and protective eye goggles sits behind a safety shield, controller in hand. In front of him is a powerful titanium-sapphire laser, aimed at a crystal lens. His thumb gently squeezes ...

Nanophysics Jun 24, 2015

A novel microscope for nanosystems

Nanomaterials play an essential role in many areas of daily life. There is thus a large interest to gain detailed knowledge about their optical and electronic properties. Conventional microscopes get beyond their limits when ...

Quantum Physics Dec 1, 2014

Hackers begone: Measurement-device-independent QKD increases clock rate and transmission distance while reducing failure

(—In the ongoing effort to make communications secure, Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) theoretically provides a solution – but to the delight of increasingly sophisticated hackers, falls short in real-world systems ...

General Physics Nov 21, 2014

Multiphysics invisibility cloak manipulates both electric current and heat

Invisibility cloaks can make objects invisible not just to light in the visible part of the spectrum, but to many other physical excitations. These include acoustic waves, matter waves, heat flux, and infrared or ultraviolet ...

Quantum Physics Oct 2, 2014

A new approach to on-chip quantum computing

Commercial devices capable of encrypting information in unbreakable codes exist today, thanks to recent quantum optics advances, especially the generation of photon pairs—tiny entangled particles of light. Now, an international ...

Quantum Physics Mar 6, 2014

Extraordinary momentum and spin discovered in evanescent light waves

A team of researchers from the RIKEN Center for Emergent Matter Science (CEMS) in Japan has identified unexpected dynamic properties of a type of light wave called evanescent waves. These surprising findings contrast sharply ...

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