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Search results for flash memory

Space Exploration Jul 31, 2019

Cybersecurity test on ISS

A compact experiment aimed at enhancing cybersecurity for future space missions is operational in Europe's Columbus module of the International Space Station, running in part on a Raspberry Pi Zero computer costing just a ...

Biochemistry Jul 17, 2019

Electronic chip mimics the brain to make memories in a flash

Researchers from RMIT University have drawn inspiration from optogenetics, an emerging tool in biotechnology, to develop a device that replicates the way the brain stores and loses information. Optogenetics allows scientists ...

Environment Jul 14, 2019

US warnings of heavy rain, tornadoes from weakening storm Barry

Tropical Storm Barry buffeted the US state of Louisiana on Sunday, bringing warnings of heavy rain and possible tornadoes even as it weakened.

Space Exploration Jul 12, 2019

The moon landing was a giant leap for movies, too

In 1964, Stanley Kubrick, on the recommendation of the science-fiction author Arthur C. Clarke, bought a telescope.

General Physics Jun 27, 2019

Experiment reverses the direction of heat flow

Heat flows from hot to cold objects. When a hot and a cold body are in thermal contact, they exchange heat energy until they reach thermal equilibrium, with the hot body cooling down and the cold body warming up. This is ...

Condensed Matter Jun 14, 2019

Phase-change materials from smartphones may lead to higher data storage, energy efficiency

Phase-change materials that are used in the latest generation of smartphones could lead to higher storage capability and more energy efficiency. Data is recorded by switching between glassy and crystalline material states ...

Space Exploration Jun 12, 2019

Hera asteroid mission's brain to be radiation-hard and failure-proof

At the heart of ESA's Hera mission to the double Didymos asteroids will be an onboard computer intended to be failure-proof.

Plants & Animals Jun 11, 2019

Poison dart frog brains can hold a mental map

Frogs aren't meant to be able to store a mental map in their brains. 20 years ago, Lainy Day from the University of Mississippi, USA, tested the place memory of amphibians and lizards, but none appeared capable of forming ...

Nanophysics Jun 10, 2019

Researchers 'stretch' the ability of 2-D materials to change technology

Two-dimensional (2-D) materials—as thin as a single layer of atoms—have intrigued scientists with their flexibility, elasticity, and unique electronic properties, as first discovered in materials such as graphene in 2004. ...

Business Jun 3, 2019

Germany's Infineon to buy Cypress in 9-bn-euro deal

With an offer to take over US competitor Cypress for around nine billion euros ($10.1 billion), German chipmaker Infineon aimed Monday to grab the number-eight spot in the industry and expand into the "Internet of Things".

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