Search results for drag force

Astronomy Feb 21, 2023

The swan song of a cloud approaching the Milky Way's supermassive black hole

Two decades of monitoring from W. M. Keck Observatory on Mauna Kea in Hawaiʻi reveals a peculiar cloud dubbed X7 being pulled apart as it accelerates toward the supermassive black hole at the center of our Milky Way galaxy.

Political science Feb 21, 2023

A year on, Russia's war on Ukraine threatens to redraw the map of world politics—and 2023 will be crucial

Wars are world-shaping. Beyond their immediate human and physical tolls, wars alter the fates of societies and states; of clans, cultures and leaders. They establish new lines of access to resources and influence, determining ...

Astronomy Feb 16, 2023

Astronomers spot a rogue supermassive black hole hurtling through space leaving star formation in its wake

Supermassive black holes (SMBHs) lurk in the center of large galaxies like ours. From their commanding position in the galaxy's heart, they feed on gas, dust, stars, and anything else that strays too close, growing more massive ...

General Physics Jan 26, 2023

Scientists observe 'quasiparticles' in classical systems for the first time

Starting with the emergence of quantum mechanics, the world of physics has been divided between classical and quantum physics. Classical physics deals with the motions of objects we typically see every day in the macroscopic ...

Polymers Jan 24, 2023

A rainbow of force-activated pigments for identifying stress

Stress isn't just the psychological pressure you feel in response to a looming deadline at work. It is also a description of the physical forces pushing, pulling, or twisting an object, structure, or material. Examples of ...

Ecology Jan 20, 2023

Feds research whale mystery after more than a dozen dead whales wash up along East Coast

Fourteen whales have washed up on Atlantic Coast beaches since Dec. 1, but marine mammal experts and some conservation groups urge caution before jumping to conclusions about why these animals and others died.

Earth Sciences Jan 18, 2023

What's driving re-burns across California and the West?

Seasonal temperature, moisture loss from plants and wind speed are what primarily drive fires that sweep across the same landscape multiple times, a new study reveals. These findings and others could help land managers plan ...

Planetary Sciences Jan 12, 2023

Scientists unveil a unified theory for rocky planet formation

A new theory for how rocky planets form could explain the origin of so-called "super-Earths"—a class of exoplanets a few times more massive than Earth that are the most abundant type of planet in the galaxy.

Evolution Jan 12, 2023

Study clarifies mystery of crocodilian hemoglobin

It can pogo-stick along at 50-plus miles per hour, leaping 30-odd feet in a single bound. But that platinum-medal athleticism falls by the wayside at a sub-Saharan riverside, the source of life and death for the skittish ...

Condensed Matter Jan 11, 2023

New understanding of how particle shape controls grain flow could help engineers manage coastal erosion

As a river cuts through a landscape, it can operate like a conveyer belt, moving truckloads of sediment over time. Knowing how quickly or slowly this sediment flows can help engineers plan for the downstream impact of restoring ...

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