Search results for Tunguska

Astronomy Sep 10, 2010

Potential lab in outer space to open for amateur astronomers

Two amateur astronomers who independently observed and videotaped an asteroid striking the giant planet Jupiter on June 3 have opened the possibility, in effect, of a giant research lab in space for planetary scientists.

Astronomy Aug 27, 2010

Sizes for potentially dangerous asteroids

Near Earth Objects (NEOs) are asteroids or comets whose orbits sometimes take them close to the earth's orbit. An NEO could therefore someday collide with the earth -- and there are almost 7000 of them known, with several ...

Space Exploration Apr 1, 2010

Was a giant comet responsible for a North American catastrophe in 11000 BC?

( -- 13,000 years ago the Earth was struck by thousands of Tunguska-sized cometary fragments over the course of an hour, leading to a dramatic cooling of the planet, according to astronomer Professor Bill Napier ...

Space Exploration Mar 29, 2010

An Avalanche of Asteroids

Imagine you're a Brontosaurus with your face in a prehistoric tree top, munching on fresh leaves. Your relatives have ruled planet Earth for more than 150 million years. Huge and strong, you feel invincible.

Astronomy Mar 11, 2010

Getting WISE About Nemesis

Is our Sun part of a binary star system? An unseen companion star, nicknamed 'Nemesis,' may be sending comets towards Earth. If Nemesis exists, NASA's new WISE telescope should be able to spot it.

Space Exploration Jan 25, 2010

Defending Planet Earth from Asteroid and Comet Strikes (w/ Video)

University of Maryland Astronomy Professor Michael A'Hearn, leader of NASA's Deep Impact and EPOXI comet missions is vice-chair of a new report from the National Academy of Sciences on detecting and protecting Earth from ...

Space Exploration Dec 14, 2009

Kansas scientists probe mysterious possible comet strikes on Earth

It's the stuff of a Hollywood disaster epic: A comet plunges from outer space into the Earth's atmosphere, splitting the sky with a devastating shock wave that flattens forests and shakes the countryside.

Astronomy Jul 25, 2009

Hubble captures rare Jupiter collision

For the past several days the world's largest telescopes have been trained on Jupiter. Not to miss the potentially new science in the unfolding drama 580 million kilometres away, Matt Mountain, director of the Space Telescope ...

Earth Sciences Jun 24, 2009

Space shuttle science shows how 1908 Tunguska explosion was caused by a comet

The mysterious 1908 Tunguska explosion that leveled 830 square miles of Siberian forest was almost certainly caused by a comet entering the Earth's atmosphere, says new Cornell University research. The conclusion is supported ...

Space Exploration Mar 17, 2009

Near miss, but no threat: Asteroid in close pass was smaller than thought, astronomer shows

( -- On March 2, an asteroid whizzed past the Earth at a distance of just 41,000 miles -- a near miss by cosmic standards (most communications satellites orbit at a distance of about 22,300 miles from Earth). ...

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