Search results for Bose-Einstein condensates

Soft Matter Feb 16, 2022

Eccentric fractional skyrmion discovered in numerical simulations of ultra-cold superfluids

A scientist at Osaka City University has discovered skyrmions with half-integer topological numbers in a ferromagnetic superfluid.

Quantum Physics Feb 11, 2022

Scientists create strange quantum 'domain walls' in laboratory

University of Chicago scientists have been able to create a new kind of quantum object at will in the laboratory: "domain walls."

Quantum Physics Feb 11, 2022

A big step towards quantum tech in space

Operating quantum technology in challenging environments, such as space, has moved a significant step forward after physicists working at the University of Sussex have developed a monitoring and control system blueprint ...

Condensed Matter Feb 8, 2022

Using the universe's coldest material to measure the world's tiniest magnetic fields

Magnetometers measure the direction, strength or relative changes of magnetic fields, at a specific point in space and time. Employed in many research areas, magnetometers can help doctors to see the brain through medical ...

Superconductivity Jan 13, 2022

Tuning the bonds of paired quantum particles to create dissipationless flow

Electrons flowing through power lines and computers inevitably encounter resistance; when they do, they lose some of their energy, which dissipates as heat. That's why laptops get hot after being used for too long and why ...

General Physics Dec 18, 2021

Maybe 'boson clouds' could explain dark matter

The nature of dark matter continues to perplex astronomers. As the search for dark matter particles continues to turn up nothing, it's tempting to throw out the dark matter model altogether, but indirect evidence for the ...

Quantum Physics Dec 15, 2021

Lanthanoids offer great potential

A quarter of a century after the first creation of Bose-Einstein condensates, the journal Nature Physics publishes a focus issue on developments in the field of ultracold quantum gasses and their potential in the future. ...

General Physics Dec 14, 2021

Generating topology from loss in hybrid light-matter particles

Losing particles can lead to positive, robust effects.

Quantum Physics Dec 10, 2021

Atom laser creates reflective patterns similar to light

Cooled to almost absolute zero, atoms not only move in waves like light but also can be focused into shapes called caustics, similar to the reflecting or refracting patterns light makes on the bottom of a swimming pool or ...

Nanophysics Dec 6, 2021

Predicting high temperature Bose-Einstein condensation of excitons

National University of Singapore researchers have predicted that an exotic state of matter known as a Bose-Einstein condensate can exist at relatively high temperatures (around 50 K to 100 K) in systems comprising organic ...

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