Search results for Arctic Ecosystem

Evolution Oct 25, 2023

A new type of ringed seal described in West Greenland

The Arctic marine ecosystem is undergoing substantial changes, currently warming at rates well above the global average and seeing an increase in anthropogenic activities. Yet, due to the unexplored "hidden" nature of the ...

Earth Sciences Oct 24, 2023

Declining Bering Sea ice linked to increasing wildfire hazard in northeast China

China has been making strides in recent years to reduce air pollution, including fitting filters in coal-fired power stations to remove sulfur dioxide from emissions, a molecule that reacts with other compounds in the atmosphere ...

Plants & Animals Oct 19, 2023

Warming waters of the Arctic could pose a threat to Pacific right whales

As rising global temperatures push Arctic icecaps into retreat, large and small sea creatures and the commercial fishing boats that follow them are also migrating northward.

Ecology Oct 13, 2023

New research can help better predict the health and sustainability of 'grassy' ecosystems

Newly published research from UNC Greensboro's Dr. Kevin Wilcox and colleagues will help scientists better predict how global changes—such as droughts, fires, and heat waves—will impact the health and sustainability of ...

Environment Oct 13, 2023

Organic nitrogen aerosol is an important contributor to global atmospheric nitrogen deposition, finds study

New research emphasizes the previously underestimated significance of atmospheric ON aerosol depositions on ecosystems. Additionally, the ecological effects of ON aerosol depositions are anticipated to increase due to global ...

Plants & Animals Oct 6, 2023

Polar bears may struggle to produce milk for their cubs as climate change melts sea ice

When sea ice melts, polar bears must move onto land for several months without access to food. This fasting period is challenging for all bears, but particularly for polar bear mothers who are nursing cubs.

Plants & Animals Oct 5, 2023

Salmon are spawning in Arctic rivers, researchers confirm

Researchers have confirmed that salmon are spawning in an Arctic Ocean watershed, suggesting that at least some salmon species could be expanding to new territory as climate change reshapes their habitat.

Environment Oct 4, 2023

Greenland's Inuit falling through thin ice of climate change

The thunder of icebergs crashing into the turquoise sea of eastern Greenland is the sound of one of the planet's most important ecosystems teetering on the edge of collapse.

Ecology Sep 27, 2023

Atlantic walrus more vulnerable than ever to Artic warming

Past cycles of climate change, along with human exploitation, have led to only small and isolated stocks of Atlantic walrus remaining. The current population is at high risk of the same issues affecting them severely, according ...

Plants & Animals Sep 26, 2023

These reindeer survived, isolated, for 7,000 years, but will they survive climate change?

Despite inbreeding and limited genetic diversity, the Svalbard reindeer has managed to adapt to extreme living conditions in record time—what researchers call a genetic paradox. But can they survive climate change?

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