Search results for organ-on-a-chip

Jun 3, 2004

NASA researchers customize 'lab-on-a-chip' technology to protect future space explorers and detect life forms on Mars

Imagine a huge laboratory filled with people and equipment shrinking to fit on a small chip — the size of a dime. Scientists on Earth use labs on chips for medical tests and other research. Marshall Center scientists are ...

Jul 28, 2008

Bioengineers develop 'microscope on a chip'

Researchers at the California Institute of Technology have turned science fiction into reality with their development of a super-compact high-resolution microscope, small enough to fit on a finger tip. This "microscopic microscope" ...

Analytical Chemistry Jul 26, 2018

Squishy hydra's simple circuits ready for their close-up

Just because an animal is soft and squishy doesn't mean it isn't tough. Experiments at Rice University show the humble hydra is a good example.

Biochemistry Mar 27, 2012

Researchers create living human gut-on-a-chip

Researchers at the Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering at Harvard University have created a gut-on-a-chip microdevice lined by living human cells that mimics the structure, physiology, and mechanics of the ...

Nanophysics Dec 16, 2009

Thermochemical nanolithography now allows multiple chemicals on a chip

( -- Scientists at Georgia Tech have developed a nanolithographic technique that can produce high-resolution patterns of at least three different chemicals on a single chip at writing speeds of up to one millimeter ...

Analytical Chemistry Oct 10, 2012

'Lab-on-a-chip' to accelarate, enhance medical testing, researcher says

(—Suppose you are sick enough to go to an emergency room. A physician examines you and decides that some blood tests are warranted. A phlebotomist draws the blood and sends it to a lab for testing. The results ...

Dec 12, 2005

Toxicology-on-a-chip tool readies for market

Recalls of popular prescription drugs are raising public concern about the general safety of new pharmaceuticals. A collaborative group of researchers says that identifying which drug candidates are toxic early in the discovery ...

Dec 23, 2004

Synthetic biology: Researchers mass produce genes on a chip

Imagine that the bricks used to build a house cost $1,000 each—building a home would be cost prohibitive. Similarly, the bricks to build living organisms—genes and genetic assemblies—can cost thousands of dollars to ...

Analytical Chemistry Apr 22, 2020

Detecting toxic PFAS with a chip-sized sensor

PNNL has patented an accurate and portable way to detect miniscule amounts of an extremely persistent toxic chemical that accumulates in our bodies and our environment.

Nanophysics May 24, 2013

Sensor on a chip: New technology holds potential for monitoring ecosystem, human health

University of Delaware researchers are developing sensors that they hope will allow real-time, in situ detection of water and air pollutants in an inexpensive and environmentally friendly manner.

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