Search results for gas permeation

Environment Feb 21, 2020

More plastic is on the way: What it means for climate change

With the recent fracking boom causing low gas prices, fossil fuel companies are seeking other ways to bolster their profits—by making more plastic. Just as the world is starting to address its enormous plastic pollution ...

Materials Science Feb 13, 2020

New process for preserving lumber could offer advantages over pressure treating

Pressure treating—which involves putting lumber inside a pressurized watertight tank and forcing chemicals into the boards—has been used for more than a century to help stave off the fungus that causes wood rot in wet ...

Materials Science Feb 6, 2020

Water-conducting membrane allows carbon dioxide to transform into fuel more efficiently

Methanol is a versatile and efficient chemical used as fuel in the production of countless products. Carbon dioxide (CO2), on the other hand, is a greenhouse gas that is the unwanted byproduct of many industrial processes.

Polymers Jan 30, 2020

Researchers turbocharge hydrogen fuel cells with novel ion-conducting copolymer

Renewed investments in hydrogen fuel cell technologies and infrastructure by companies like Amazon; nations like China; and automakers like Toyota, Honda, and Hyundai, are sparking sales and fresh interest in the vast possibilities ...

Environment Jan 27, 2020

Economic growth and environmental sustainability

There are political and business leaders who do not care if economic growth causes environmental damage, and there are environmental advocates who do not believe you can have economic growth without causing environmental ...

Veterinary medicine Jan 15, 2020

Study: Pig virus is easily transmitted among chickens and turkeys

The first animal study of a pig virus' potential to jump to another species shows that the virus, once introduced to a select group of birds, is easily transmitted to healthy chickens and turkeys.

Astronomy Jan 6, 2020

Astronomers detect first stars 'bubbling out' from the cosmic Dark Ages

Astronomers using the Mayall telescope at Kitt Peak National Observatory, a program of NSF's National Optical-Infrared Astronomy Research Laboratory, have identified several overlapping bubbles of hydrogen gas ionized by ...

Earth Sciences Jan 3, 2020

Putting off old age on the Norwegian shelf

Sand in the oil stream with the risk of well collapse is a well-known problem when sandstone reservoirs approach depletion. Advanced sensors and a super machine are helping research scientists to find the threshold at which ...

Astronomy Dec 24, 2019

Astronomers describe a violent black hole outburst that provides new insight into galaxy cluster evolution

Billions of years ago, in the center of a galaxy cluster far, far away (15 billion light-years, to be exact), a black hole spewed out jets of plasma. As the plasma rushed out of the black hole, it pushed away material, creating ...

Nanomaterials Dec 16, 2019

How we transport water in our bodies inspires new water filtration method

A multidisciplinary group of engineers and scientists has discovered a new method for water filtration that could have implications for a variety of technologies, such as desalination plants, breathable and protective fabrics, ...

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