See also stories tagged with Big Bang

Search results for Big Bang

Astronomy Nov 20, 2023

'Teenage galaxies' are unusually hot, glowing with unexpected elements

Similar to human teenagers, teenage galaxies are awkward, experience growth spurts and enjoy heavy metal—nickel, that is.

General Physics Nov 15, 2023

Using heavy-ion collisions at the LHC, scientists determine the thickness of neutron 'skin' in lead-208 nuclei

Lead-208 has an intriguing nucleus. It is neutron rich, containing 82 protons and 126 neutrons. One of its more interesting properties is its structure: its center is composed of both protons and neutrons, but at its edge, ...

Space Exploration Nov 14, 2023

Big bang: Dutch firm eyes space baby

Climate crises, nuclear Armageddon, or a sudden meteor strike—it's clear humanity could do with Planet B. But first we need to learn to reproduce safely in space, says Dutch entrepreneur Egbert Edelbroek.

General Physics Nov 13, 2023

Tiny Big Bang: ALICE experiment restarts with lead ions

On September 26, 2023, the accelerator team at the CERN European Council for Nuclear Research in Geneva declared stable lead-beam conditions, ushering in the first data-taking campaign of lead-ion collisions in five years. ...

Astronomy Nov 11, 2023

Oldest black hole discovered dating back to 470 million years after the Big Bang

Scientists have discovered the oldest black hole yet, a cosmic beast formed a mere 470 million years after the Big Bang.

Other Nov 11, 2023

Saturday Citations: A big old black hole, polar bears in bad decline, building a jail for electrons

This week, we covered developments about a record-breaking black hole, the continued plight of polar bears, ChatGPT trying to learn intuition and more. Don't worry if you missed those stories. We've got you covered here.

Astronomy Nov 9, 2023

Milky Way-like galaxy found in the early universe

Using the James Webb Space Telescope, an international team, including astronomer Alexander de la Vega of the University of California, Riverside, has discovered the most distant barred spiral galaxy similar to the Milky ...

Astronomy Nov 9, 2023

Astronomers use Webb data to measure rapid increase in oxygen in the early universe

Using new data from the James Webb Space Telescope, astronomers have measured the abundance of oxygen in the early universe. The findings, accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series and posted ...

Astronomy Nov 7, 2023

Supermassive black holes shut down star formation during cosmic noon, says astronomer

Since it became operational almost two years ago, the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) has produced countless breathtaking images of the universe and enabled fresh insights into how it evolved.

Astronomy Nov 6, 2023

Searching for the supernova neutrino background to the universe

It's a sobering statement that stars like the sun, more accurately all stars will die eventually—yes, even the sun. Don't panic, though, we still have a good few billion years to go so you will get to the end of this article. ...

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