See also stories tagged with Meteorite

Search results for meteorite

Planetary Sciences Jul 14, 2023

Decrypting lunar craters quickly and easily

The surface of the moon tells the story of the inner solar system. Every meteorite that hits leaves its mark, and together those craters hold a record of the events that have occurred on and around the moon over the past ...

Astrobiology Jul 10, 2023

Physicist who found spherical meteor fragments claims they may come from an alien spaceship: Here's what to make of it

Avi Loeb, a physicist from Harvard University in the US, has recovered 50 tiny spherical iron fragments from the bottom of the Pacific Ocean that he claims may be material from an interstellar alien spaceship.

Astronomy Jun 22, 2023

Molecular filament shielded our young solar system from supernova, suggests study

Isotope ratios found in meteorites suggest that a supernova exploded nearby while the sun and solar system were still forming. But the blast wave from a supernova that close could have potentially destroyed the nascent solar ...

Astronomy Jun 15, 2023

There could still be a ninth planet in our solar system. Here's why

,We all used to think there were nine planets. But in 2006, the solar system was left with only eight planets, when Pluto was no longer classified as such. But is it still possible there is a planet out there beyond Neptune—possibly ...

Planetary Sciences Jun 13, 2023

Pass the salt: This space rock holds clues as to how Earth got its water

Sodium chloride, better known as table salt, isn't exactly the type of mineral that captures the imagination of scientists. However, a smattering of tiny salt crystals discovered in a sample from an asteroid has researchers ...

Astronomy Jun 5, 2023

What are meteorites? I visit and study the craters they've left across our planet

Tens of thousands of asteroids—that we know of—are roaming our solar system. These are building blocks made up of metal, silicates, and ice left over from the beginning of time when the planets (Mercury, Venus, Earth, ...

Astrobiology May 25, 2023

A role for meteoritic iron in the emergence of life on Earth

Researchers from the Max Planck Institute for Astronomy and Ludwig Maximilians University Munich have proposed a new scenario for the emergence of the first building blocks for life on Earth, roughly 4 billion years ago.

Astrobiology May 25, 2023

Meteoritic and volcanic particles may have promoted origin of life reactions

Precursors of the molecules needed for the origin of life may have been generated by chemical reactions promoted by iron-rich particles from meteors or volcanic eruptions on Earth approximately 4.4 billion years ago, according ...

Space Exploration May 11, 2023

Experts: Metallic object that crashed into New Jersey home was a meteorite

A metallic object that punched a hole in the roof of a central New Jersey home this week, smashing into a hardwood floor and bouncing around a bedroom, was a meteorite, experts announced Thursday.

Space Exploration May 9, 2023

Possible meteorite crashes into New Jersey home, no injuries

A metallic object believed to be a meteorite punched a hole in the roof of a central New Jersey home this week, smashing into a hardwood floor and bouncing around a bedroom. The family who owns the home discovered the black, ...

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