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Ecology Jun 24, 2024

Why do fireflies light up? And how can I bring more fireflies to my yard?

For many of us, seeing fireflies light up the night is one of the more pleasant signs that summer has arrived. But what's behind their sparkling flights? And what can we do to bring more of these living nightlights to our ...

Earth Sciences Jun 24, 2024

From mantle to crust: Solving a green metal mystery

Researchers from The University of Western Australia have created an experiment to explain the volcanic processes needed to transport green metals from the Earth's interior to its surface.

Space Exploration Jun 21, 2024

Augmented reality speeds spacecraft construction at NASA Goddard

Technicians armed with advanced measuring equipment, augmented reality headsets, and QR codes virtually checked the fit of some Roman Space Telescope structures before building or moving them through facilities at NASA's ...

Plants & Animals Jun 21, 2024

Scientists solve the puzzle of directional hearing underwater

When underwater, humans cannot determine where a sound comes from. Sound travels about five times faster there than on land. That makes directional hearing, or sound localization, nearly impossible because the human brain ...

Analytical Chemistry Jun 21, 2024

Enhancing the performance of proton exchange membrane water electrolysis by constructing electron/proton pathways

The proton exchange membrane electrolysis of water (PEMWE) is a critical process for hydrogen generation. However, the limited ability of electrons and protons to permeate the membrane and the inefficient arrangement of the ...

Plants & Animals Jun 20, 2024

Hurricane changed 'rules of the game' in monkey society

A devastating hurricane transformed a monkey society by changing the pros and cons of interacting with others, new research shows.

Environment Jun 20, 2024

The problems with climate scenarios, and how to fix them

Faced with the uncertainties surrounding climate change, policymakers and investors need to know what can happen and how likely these outcomes may be. Unfortunately, current scenarios answer only the first question—and ...

Evolution Jun 20, 2024

The ornate horns of ancient marvel Lokiceratops point to evolutionary insights

What do you get when you cross Norse mythology with a 78-million-year-old ancestor to the Triceratops? Answer: Lokiceratops rangiformis, a plant-eating dinosaur with a very fancy set of horns.

Social Sciences Jun 19, 2024

Study shows biases undermine diversity efforts in policing

As more organizations attempt to increase the representation of women in traditionally male-dominated occupations (such as engineering, technology or banking), new research from George Washington University professor Jennifer ...

Plants & Animals Jun 18, 2024

Team of biologists discover fluorescence in 27 marine creatures

A team of zoologists and marine biologists affiliated with several institutions in Indonesia, working with a colleague from Germany, has discovered previously unknown instances of fluorescence in 27 marine creatures.

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