Search results for dirac

General Physics May 26, 2022

Hunting for one-pole magnets by combining cosmic rays and particle accelerators

Some of the world's most powerful particle accelerators have helped researchers draw new leading limits on the existence of long theorized magnetic monopoles from the collisions of energetic cosmic rays bombarding the Earth's ...

Optics & Photonics May 5, 2022

Scientists invent topological-cavity surface-emitting laser

Semiconductor lasers are the most widely used lasers due to their compact size, high efficiency, low cost and wide spectra. But they suffer low output power and low beam quality—two specifications difficult to improve simultaneously. ...

Nanomaterials Apr 28, 2022

Beyond van der Waals: The next generation of covalent 2D-2D heterostructures

A team of scientists have "velcroed" 2D structures of MoS2 and graphene using a covalent connection for the first time. The 2D-2D structures were used to build robust field effect transistors with controlled electronic communication, ...

Mathematics Apr 11, 2022

A universe without mathematics is beyond the scope of our imagination

Almost 400 years ago, in "The Assayer," Galileo wrote: "Philosophy is written in this grand book, the universe … [But the book] is written in the language of mathematics." He was much more than an astronomer, and this can ...

Condensed Matter Mar 28, 2022

External magnetic field causes shift in electronic Dirac band structure in a kagome magnet

Working with a quantum material known as a kagome magnet, a team of Boston College physicists and colleagues have directly measured how individual electronic quantum states in the novel material respond to external magnetic ...

Quantum Physics Mar 22, 2022

A strange monopole observed in diamond: When string theory inspires quantum simulation

Theoretical physicists routinely introduce fictitious particles and fields in their calculations, in view of completing a theory or simply to make it more elegant. A striking example concerns the magnetic monopole imagined ...

Quantum Physics Mar 14, 2022

New study reveals topological charge-entropy relation in kagome Chern magnet

Topological charge-entropy scaling relation was proved in the kagome Chern magnet, a kind of magnet predicted to support intrinsic Chern quantum phases, according to a study published on Nature Communications.

Condensed Matter Mar 4, 2022

Physicists discover method for emulating nonlinear quantum electrodynamics in a laboratory setting

On the big screen, in video games and in our imaginations, lightsabers flare and catch when they clash together. In reality, as in a laser light show, the beams of light go through each other, creating spiderweb patterns. ...

Astronomy Feb 10, 2022

Scientists unveil most accurate virtual representation of the universe

Scientists have produced the largest and most accurate virtual representation of the universe to date. An international team of researchers, led by the University of Helsinki, and including members from Durham University, ...

Optics & Photonics Feb 8, 2022

Modeling high-harmonic generation without resorting to perturbation theory

An advanced mathematical model that can describe high-energy interactions between light and matter has been developed by two RIKEN researchers and a collaborator. The approach could be extended to offer new insights in other ...

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