Search results for biographical information

Other Aug 18, 2011

New study identifies gaps in NIH funding success rates for black researchers

Black scientists were significantly less likely than their white counterparts to receive research funding from the National Institutes of Health, according to an analysis of data from 2000 to 2006.

Other May 1, 2011

Your smartphone knows everything about you, and it tells tales

In the sexy but increasingly scary world of smartphone forensics, insiders have a name for all the personal information purposely or unknowingly stored inside that iPhone or Android or Blackberry in your pocket. They call ...

Social Sciences Apr 14, 2011

Wikipedia deemed a reliable source for political info by new study

Not so long ago Wikipedia was considered a playground for Capitol Hill staffers to game the system and make "the boss look better and the opponent look ridiculous."

Internet Nov 30, 2010

US cuts access to files after leak embarrassment

(AP) -- The State Department severed its computer files from the government's classified network, officials said Tuesday, as U.S. and world leaders tried to clean up from the embarrassing leak that spilled America's sensitive ...

Internet Nov 15, 2010

Rensselaer team shows how to analyze raw government data

Who is the White House’s most frequent visitor? Which White House staffer has the most visitors? How do smoking quit rates, state by state, relate to unemployment, taxes, and violent crimes? How do politics influence ...

Internet Sep 30, 2010

Review: New search partners aren't identical twins

(AP) -- Just because Yahoo Inc.'s U.S. website and Microsoft Corp.'s Bing are using the same technological ingredients for searching the Internet doesn't mean they're slicing and dicing the results the same way, too.

Internet Apr 27, 2010

Senators see privacy problem in Facebook expansion

(AP) -- Four U.S. senators want Facebook to make it easier for its more than 400 million users to protect their privacy as the website develops new outlets to share personal information.

Internet Aug 27, 2009

Facebook knows too much, ACLU says in warning of quizzes

Privacy advocates have long warned that users of Facebook and other social networks who seek amusement from quizzes like "What Simpsons Character Are You?" might be mortified by the way creators of such applications can access ...

Social Sciences Aug 27, 2009

People seek balanced political information to defend their positions

( -- When they know they will be engaged in a debate and have to defend their positions, anxious citizens seek out a balance of viewpoints about candidates, a new University of Michigan study shows.

Business Jun 22, 2009

Business 101: Must Apple discuss CEO Jobs' health?

(AP) -- This week, Apple Inc. wasn't shy about touting the sales of its latest mobile device. But the company didn't say anything confirming reports from over the weekend that co-founder and CEO Steve Jobs had a liver transplant ...

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