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Search results for quantum cryptography

Quantum Physics Apr 12, 2022

Quantum teleportation: The express lane for quantum data traffic

Teleportation may be a concept usually reserved for science fiction, but researchers have demonstrated that it can be used to avoid loss in communication channels on the quantum level.

Condensed Matter Mar 29, 2022

Exact simulations of environmental influences on quantum systems

Today, quantum systems are becoming increasingly important for technological innovations in information processing, cryptography, photonics, spintronics, and high-performance computing. They are in constant interaction with ...

Optics & Photonics Mar 23, 2022

Single-photon source paves the way for practical quantum encryption

Researchers have developed a new high-purity single-photon source that can operate at room temperature. The source is an important step toward practical applications of quantum technology, such as highly secure communication ...

Quantum Physics Mar 22, 2022

Researchers store a quantum bit for a record-breaking 20 milliseconds

Computers, smartphones, GPS: quantum physics has enabled many technological advances. It is now opening up new fields of research in cryptography (the art of coding messages) with the aim of developing ultra-secure telecommunications ...

Quantum Physics Feb 16, 2022

Chaining atoms together yields quantum storage

Engineers at Caltech have developed an approach for quantum storage that could help pave the way for the development of large-scale optical quantum networks.

Optics & Photonics Jan 24, 2022

Twin-field quantum key distribution (QKD) across an 830-km fibre

By using quantum key distribution (QKD), quantum cryptographers can share information via theoretic secure keys between remote peers through physics-based protocols. The laws of quantum physics dictate that photons carrying ...

Quantum Physics Jan 20, 2022

Groundbreaking light sources can increase effectiveness and security of transferring quantum information

Entanglement is a central phenomenon of quantum mechanics. It enables two photons to be connected with each other regardless of distance, and it is the basis of the immense potential of quantum technologies. However, the ...

Nanophysics Jan 12, 2022

Building a silicon quantum computer chip atom by atom

A University of Melbourne-led team has perfected a technique for embedding single atoms in a silicon wafer one-by-one. Their technology offers the potential to make quantum computers using the same methods that have given ...

Quantum Physics Jan 11, 2022

In-fridge controller could scale up quantum computers

A collaboration between computer scientists and physicists at the University of Chicago broke through one of the key obstacles for large-scale quantum computing by figuring out how to move their control signals "inside the ...

Optics & Photonics Dec 15, 2021

Flawed diamonds may provide perfect interface for quantum computers

Flaws in diamonds—atomic defects where carbon is replaced by nitrogen or another element—may offer a close-to-perfect interface for quantum computing, a proposed communications exchange that promises to be faster and ...

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