Search results for geosphere

Earth Sciences Apr 24, 2008

On shaky ground: UH Prof finds geological faults threaten Houston

After finding more than 300 surface faults in Harris County, a University of Houston geologist now has information that could be vitally useful to the region’s builders and city planners.

Space Exploration May 11, 2007

ESA presents the sharpest ever satellite map of Earth

The most detailed portraits ever of the Earth's land surface have been created with ESA's Envisat environmental satellite. The portraits are the first products produced as part of the ESA-initiated GlobCover project and are ...

Jan 27, 2006

Satellite portrait of global plant growth will aid climate research

GLOBCARBON involves the development of a service to generate fully calibrated estimates of land products based on a variety of Earth Observation data, suitable for assimilation into sophisticated software simulations of the ...

Sep 28, 2005

Wind is swaying th Earth

The upper layer of the earth’s crust may be investigated using high-rise buildings’ vibrations under the wind pressure. This simple and economical method of seismic survey was developed by the specialists of the Arkhangelsk ...

Jun 10, 2005

Space measurements of carbon offer clearer view of Earth's climate future

Follow the carbon – this is the mantra of researchers seeking to understand climate change and forecast its likely extent. A workshop heard how improved detection of heat-trapping carbon dioxide from space promises to ...

May 5, 2005

Sharpest ever global Earth map

The most detailed portrait ever of the Earth's land surface is being created with ESA's Envisat environmental satellite. The GLOBCOVER project aims at producing a global land cover map to a resolution three times sharper ...

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