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Search results for Big Bang

Astronomy Dec 22, 2023

What happens if you put a black hole into the sun?

In a hypothetical scenario, small, primordial black holes could be captured by newly forming stars. An international team, led by researchers at the Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics, has now modeled the evolution of ...

General Physics Dec 20, 2023

What have the stars done for humankind?

Professor Roberto Trotta from Imperial College London's Department of Physics is a theoretical physicist by training and astrophysicist by trade. His work explores how statistics and machine learning can help us turn complex ...

Astronomy Dec 20, 2023

Can Webb find the first stars in the universe?

The universe's very first stars had an important job. They formed from the primordial elements created by the Big Bang, so they contained no metals. It was up to them to synthesize the first metals and spread them out into ...

Astronomy Dec 20, 2023

Supercomputer provides new suite of Lyman-α forest simulations for illustrating large-scale structure of universe

Like a celestial beacon, distant quasars make the brightest light in the universe. They emit more light than our entire Milky Way galaxy. The light comes from matter ripped apart as it is swallowed by a supermassive black ...

Astronomy Dec 18, 2023

History and contents of the universe can be determined using radio telescopes on the moon, researchers say

A study from Tel Aviv University has predicted for the first time the groundbreaking results that can be obtained from a lunar-based detection of radio waves. The study's findings show that the measured radio signals can ...

Astronomy Dec 18, 2023

Astronomers look billions of years into the past to study Pandora's Cluster

Two McMaster astronomers have used recent deep imaging data from the James Webb Space Telescope to look 3.5 billion years into the past to study a remote giant cluster of galaxies.

General Physics Dec 18, 2023

Two possible ways to use black holes as energy source in the distant future

A pair of astrophysicists at Tianjin University, in China, has proposed ways that humans in the distant future might use black holes as an energy source. In their paper published in the journal Physical Review D, Zhan-Feng ...

Other Dec 13, 2023

A volcano on Hawaii's Big Island is sacred to spiritual practitioners and treasured by astronomers

Shane Palacat-Nelsen's voice drops to a reverent tone as he tells the story of the snow goddess Poliahu who Native Hawaiians believe inhabits the summit of Mauna Kea, the highest point in Hawaii.

Space Exploration Dec 12, 2023

Images: Moon, asteroids and new rockets topped the world's space news in 2023

The moon, asteroids and brand new rockets topped the world's space news in 2023.

Astronomy Dec 6, 2023

Black holes are missing in the early universe, and computers are after them

As far as the eye can see, galaxies fill the images of the deep universe. What processes determined their shapes, colors and populations of stars? Astronomers think that primordial black holes were the engines of galaxies' ...

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