Search results for Electron tattoos

Economics & Business Sep 10, 2021

Examining the impact of applicant smoking and vaping habits in job interviews

Legally protected characteristics such as race, gender, or sexual orientation cannot be used by companies to discriminate against job applicants. However, regardless of the presence or absence of formal protections, many ...

Optics & Photonics Dec 1, 2020

Pumping a nanoparticle to lase at low power

Lasers are used in a range of everyday devices, harnessing the power of light molecules, photons, - lined up to form highly concentrated beams of light—to perform now common tasks such as scanning barcodes and removing ...

Archaeology Feb 5, 2020

Mosaic X-rays reveal Peruvian mummy mysteries

Western researchers, including two undergraduate students, have become pivotal players in developing a mobile X-ray protocol that could transform how mummies are examined in the field.

Analytical Chemistry Apr 17, 2019

Biosensor 'bandage' collects and analyzes sweat

Like other biofluids, sweat contains a wealth of information about what's going on inside the body. However, collecting the fluid for analysis, usually by dripping or absorbing it from the skin's surface, can be time-consuming ...

Cell & Microbiology Oct 16, 2018

Proteins wear clothes – and understanding their fashion choices could help us treat cancer

We humans are top of the evolutionary tree, the most complex organisms that have ever lived on Earth in five billion years. Right? One way we might actually prove our biological complexity is to look at the number of different ...

Archaeology Sep 12, 2018

Drawing on a piece of silcrete found in Blombos Cave predates previous human-made drawings by at least 30,000 years

The earliest evidence of a drawing made by humans has been found in Blombos Cave in the southern Cape in South Africa.

Engineering Oct 11, 2017

A fashionable chemical and biological threat detector-on-a-ring

Wearable sensors are revolutionizing the tech-world, capable of tracking processes in the body, such as heart rates. They're even becoming fashionable, with many of them sporting sleek, stylish designs. But wearable sensors ...

Robotics Sep 4, 2017

Getting well-oiled: booze in the age of the robo-barman

As Tipsy methodically unfolds an arm to select a glass, retrieve ice and mix a drink, it's all a far cry from the flashy swagger of Tom Cruise in "Cocktail."

Space Exploration May 2, 2016

NASA research gives new insights into how the moon got 'inked'

A powerful combination of observations and computer simulations is giving new clues to how the moon got its mysterious "tattoos"—swirling patterns of light and dark found at over a hundred locations across the lunar surface.

Hi Tech & Innovation Sep 4, 2015

For these 'cyborgs', keys are so yesterday

Punching in security codes to deactivate the alarm at his store became a thing of the past for Jowan Oesterlund when he implanted a chip into his hand about 18 months ago.

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