Search results for time reversal symmetry

Quantum Physics Dec 22, 2021

New materials for quantum technologies

While conventional electronics relies on the transport of electrons, components that convey spin information alone may be many times more energy efficient. Physicists at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) and the Max ...

Quantum Physics Dec 3, 2021

Physicists exploit space and time symmetries to control quantum materials

Physicists from Exeter and Trondheim have developed a theory describing how space reflection and time reversal symmetries can be exploited, allowing for greater control of transport and correlations within quantum materials.

Materials Science Nov 24, 2021

A new way to generate electricity from waste heat: Using an antiferromagnet for solid devices

Forcing electrons to flow perpendicularly to a heat flow requires an external magnetic field—this is known as the Nernst effect. In a permanently magnetized material (a ferromagnet), an anomalous Nernst effect (ANE) exists ...

Superconductivity Nov 11, 2021

Study gathers evidence of topological superconductivity in the transition metal 4Hb-TaS2

Topological superconductors are a class of superconducting materials characterized by sub-gap zero energy localized modes, known as Majorana boundary states (MBSs). These materials are promising for the development of quantum ...

Optics & Photonics Oct 26, 2021

Topological valley Hall edge solitons in photonics

Diffraction is a natural property of light beams that allows light to bend around obstacles. Because light serves as a carrier of information, some of the distorting effects of diffraction must be mitigated for many technological ...

Superconductivity Oct 18, 2021

Experiments reveal formation of a new state of matter: Electron quadruplets

The central principle of superconductivity is that electrons form pairs. But can they also condense into foursomes? Recent findings have suggested they can, and a physicist at KTH Royal Institute of Technology today published ...

Superconductivity Sep 30, 2021

A kagome lattice superconductor reveals a 'cascade' of quantum electron states

Researchers have discovered a complex landscape of electronic states that can co-exist on a kagome lattice, resembling those in high-temperature superconductors, a team of Boston College physicists reports in an advance electronic ...

Nanophysics Sep 21, 2021

Electrons on the edge: The story of an intrinsic magnetic topological insulator

An intrinsic magnetic topological insulator MNBI2TE4 has been discovered with a large band gap, making it a promising material platform for fabricating ultra-low-energy electronics and observing exotic topological phenomena.

Superconductivity Aug 4, 2021

Researchers around the world are buzzing about a candidate superconductor

Since receiving a $25 million grant in 2019 to become the first National Science Foundation (NSF) Quantum Foundry, UC Santa Barbara researchers affiliated with the foundry have been working to develop materials that can enable ...

Optics & Photonics Jul 7, 2021

Quantum laser turns energy loss into gain

Scientists at KAIST have fabricated a laser system that generates highly interactive quantum particles at room temperature. Their findings, published in the journal Nature Photonics, could lead to a single microcavity laser ...

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