Search results for geosphere

Environment Apr 10, 2012

Report warns of urbanization swell by 2050

We hear and read a lot about our human carbon footprint but what do we know about our urban footprint? According to a new United Nations (UN) report, this urban footprint will expand by another 1.2 million square kilometres ...

Environment Mar 30, 2012

International scientific community issues first 'State of the Planet Declaration'

Scientists issued the first "State of the Planet" declaration at a major gathering of experts on global environmental and social issues in advance of the major UN Summit Rio+20 in June.

Environment Mar 22, 2012

International study estimates ocean value

Professor Robert Diaz of the Virginia Institute of Marine Science, College of William and Mary, is a co-editor of "Valuing the Ocean" a major new study by an international team of scientists and economists that attempts to ...

Environment Nov 3, 2011

Creating markets to pay for public good offer promise, peril

Over the past 50 years, 60 percent of all ecosystem services have declined as a direct result of the conversion of land to the production of foods, fuels and fibers.

Ecology Jul 1, 2011

Global plant database set to promote biodiversity research and Earth-system sciences

The world's largest database on plants' functional properties, or traits, has been pub-lished. Scientists compiled three million traits for 69,000 out of the world's ~300,000 plant species. The achievement rests on a worldwide ...

Earth Sciences Feb 28, 2011

New insights on the origin of the Rocky Mountains

( -- The formation of the Rocky Mountains in Colorado has always puzzled scientists. Some 600 miles inland and far removed from the nearest tectonic plate, the only comparable inland mountain range is the Himalaya, ...

Earth Sciences Nov 24, 2009

LSU gets to the bottom of things -- in Antarctica

Antarctica has long held secrets of the earth's history locked in its icy depths, and until recently, there has been very little information on the environments that have been sealed beneath miles of ice for millions of years. ...

Earth Sciences Aug 26, 2009

Has northern-hemisphere pollution affected Australian rainfall?

New research announced at the International Water in a Changing Climate Science Conference in Melbourne 24-28 August, implicates pollution from Asia, Europe and North America as a contributor to recent Australian rainfall ...

Environment Jan 30, 2009

Ocean acidification is accelerating and severe damages are imminent

Urgent action is needed to limit damages to marine ecosystems, including coral reefs and fisheries, due to increasing ocean acidity, according to 155 of the world’s scientific experts who will release the Monaco Declaration ...

Environment Sep 5, 2008

Science paper examines role of aerosols in climate change

A group of scientists affiliated with the International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme (IGBP) have proposed a new framework to account more accurately for the effects of aerosols on precipitation in climate models. Their work ...

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